B&N Reads, Hispanic Heritage Month

Introducing Aroma a libros!

Today marks the start of Hispanic Heritage Month, and we are so excited to announce that today also marks the first day our brand new Spanish blog, Aroma a libros, is live! Keep reading to hear from Ernesto Martinez, our Spanish book specialist, about this new addition to BN Reads!

Exquisite! That is the aroma that a book gives off, whether it is that of a recently published book or one that has been enjoyed for several years. 

On behalf of Barnes & Noble, I warmly welcome you to this new literary space created for you, the reader of books in Spanish. Traditionally, our chain of bookstores has been concerned with putting within your reach the most varied titles from all over the Hispanic world. 

Whether you are looking for classic content by the most famous Hispanic American writers, translations of the most recognized English bestsellers, or by an emerging author, you will always be able to enjoy an incomparable variety of books in Spanish for all ages and tastes. 

For this reason, we are proud to inaugurate this literary space which we named “Aroma a Libros”. We hope it will be your preferred search point to find the best book recommendations in Spanish within all literary genres: novel, romance, fantasy, health, education, self-improvement, business, religion, children’s content and many more. 

Check our blog regularly for important new book releases information, available at the Libros en español sections at your favorite Barnes & Noble store, as well as on www.bn.com  

Remember, Barnes & Noble invites you to enjoy the delicious Aroma a libros! 

Ernesto Martinez 
Spanish book specialist 

Find the Spanish Translation Here: