Manga, One Piece Readalong

The Everlasting One Piece Readalong: Vols. 28-30

Welcome back to the Everlasting One Piece readalong. If you’re only joining us today, you can find all the previous installments of the project in the official tag. We’re reading from the omnibus editions that collect three volumes in one, for Maximum One Piece Exposure.

Volumes 28-30 Overview

The battle for Upper Yard continues and four clear groups emerge: Eneru and his forces, the Sky people, the Shandians, and now, the Straw Hats. As Eneru puts his plans into motion, new alliances are made, the Straw Hats face the toughest battles they’ve seen yet, and Robin makes another discovery about Upper Yard, which used to be part of the Blue Sea. Plus, Luffy and Eneru finally meet!

The Adventure Continues

In a quick flashback, we see a younger Wyper rejecting Ganfor’s offer of peace because the people of Skypiea won’t completely leave the land that arrived in the sky. Wyper takes the all or nothing position. Back in the present, Wyper prepares to make a direct attack on Eneru, but this time, he’s not going to pay attention to casualties.
Eneru, Wyper’s target, is amused about the whole endeavor. He’s set his vassals and fifty of his personal guard to fight the Shandians and Straw Hats in a Sky Battle. He makes the whole thing into a game, and proclaims that at the end of the coming battle that only five of eighty-one fighters will remain. He’s not taking things seriously at all, but immediately after his proclamation, Shura traps the Shandians in his string cloud attack elsewhere on Upper Yard, paralyzing them completely—except Wyper. He drops from above, tosses his weapon, and uses one hand to attack unleash a violent attack: one of Eneru’s vassals is done for already. Where did this power come from?
As some of the Straw Hats make their way out of the forest on the Going Merry, Ganfor explains the impact dial. They hold violent energy that can be released on an opponent. Reject dials are even more dangerous, because they’re similar to impact dials but can also hurt the user, too. He also can’t fully explain the vassal’s ability to sense movements. It’s a power called Mantra, which is the ability to hear the forces of the body, making it possible to predict moves and sense people in Skypiea. The vassals can use it anywhere in Upper Yard. Eneru can use it on anyone in Skypiea no matter the location. How in the world will the Straw Hats win against that kind of battle insight?
As Eneru’s forces spread throughout Upper Yard, the Shandians split into two groups after Wyper’s team lectures him on using the reject dial—no wonder he was so powerful! But he looks rough, lending credence to Ganfor’s warnings. Now Wyper is weaker. Plus, as the Shandians split up they also cut their fighting force in two. Eneru’s army starts to slowly pick them off.
Luffy, of course, is bopping through Upper Yard on his way to the ancient ruins. He barely breaks his stride to take out one of Eneru’s fighters who targets him. But then he comes face to face with Wyper again! Wyper tells Luffy that he should have left Upper Yard, because it belongs to the Shandians. Luffy disagrees, and of course Wyper’s temper and Luffy’s lack of context means that Luffy is excited for a fight. Meanwhile, Robin, the only one of the treasure search party to still be on the correct path, casually takes out a heavenly warrior when he attacks her and destroys some of the ruins.


Chopper is running around the forest, trying to avoid battle, and Zoro takes out an attacking Shandian before running into one of Eneru’s vassals, Braham. Braham is fast and uses flash guns to attack. Zoro falters, getting shot in the leg due to the distraction of a giant forest eel, but just because Braham is fast doesn’t mean Zoro is challenged. His training has been paying off. He uses one heavy one-sword strike and Braham is toast.
It’s not looking too great for Sanji, either, because Eneru himself has appeared on the Going Merry and taken him out. He tells the Straw Hats and Ganfor he didn’t come to hurt anyone…he just wanted to say goodbye to Ganfor, who he hasn’t seen in six years. After also frying Usopp with one finger, he tells them all about the gold on the island that everyone, except the inhabitants of Skypiea, seem to know about. He also reveals that he took many of Ganfor’s people into slavery when he stole Ganfor’s position. He won’t let on whether they’ll be freed when his work on Upper Yard is finished, which approaches quickly. He’s come to say goodbye to Ganfor and leaves as quickly as he arrived. But he leaves a present: two subordinates who want revenge for what Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji did to their leader, Satori. Nami and Ganfor have to handle them alone.
While Eneru is hectoring his crew, Luffy and Wyper are battling in the forest, although they’re pretty evenly matched even with Luffy’s powers. They exchange blows, but before they can finish their fight, Luffy falls down a hole! Wyper decides to focus on Eneru instead and leaves.
Although the other Straw Hats are having a rough time, Robin is making a surprising discovery. The island’s previous civilization was active during the unspoken history that no one on the surface knows about anymore. Robin is fascinated by the relevance of what she’s found, but she’s interrupted by one of Eneru’s agents.

Chopper, meanwhile, wanders past another vassal without even noticing him. Gedatsu notices him even if Chopper is too depressed over being lost to realize that he’s come in direct contact with an extremely dangerous person! He quickly discovers that he’s up against one of Eneru’s powerful vassals. Gedastu wields swamp clouds that stick and trap the people they’re in. Gedatsu’s aim isn’t great, though, and he manages to encase his ally in a swamp cloud before Chopper.
Chopper, being who he is, saves the member of the heavenly army, who turns against Gedastu. Although he’s immediately cut down, it allows Chopper time to see Gedastu’s ultimate attack. He uses a rumble ball to find Gedatsu’s weakness: his dial-powered shoes that put force behind his attacks. Chopper’s fear is tangible because he knows how much danger he’s in. But his determination is high because he wants more people to rely on him. He risks his life to attack Gedatsu with knowledge of his weakness and wins! Gedatsu winds up trapped in his own swamp cloud.
As Chopper celebrates his win, Nami and Ganfor are battling Satori’s pals. Although Ganfor manages to take one down, he loses his gauntlet and makes Nami go get it. It has an impact dial in it. Nami puts the gauntlet on, but it’s too heavy. It’s too late to return it to Ganfor, because the enemy is back. Nami, though, figures out that he uses fire powers, and uses her climate baton to change the weather and create fog. This allows her to sneak up and use the impact dial, winning the battle and protecting her crew and ship!

After, Ganfor leaves to find Eneru, terrified about what his news about leaving Skypiea means for Ganfor’s enslaved people. But she’s not alone long: Conis and Pagaya arrive on the milky road with Aisa, the youngest Shandian, in tow. Like Eneru and the vassals, Aisa seems to have the Mantra power—it must be something specific to people born in the sky, not just a special skill. As people are defeated in battle, she can hear them fall silent, which is horrifying. It’s about to get more horrifying for Aisa, though, because Kamakiri and his Shandian allies are making their way toward a giant beanstalk in the distance when Eneru finds them. They’re utterly no match for Eneru’s power.

Devil Fruit Alert!
Eneru ate the Rumble-Rumble Fruit, which allows him to harness the power of lightning. It’s a Logia-type, which means Eneru can also become intangible. The power he has by using his lightning attacks, combined with the ability to be pretty much untouchable is an impossible combination—this is the toughest Devil Fruit user we’ve met yet and he’s already taken Sanji and Usopp down.
Back to the Action!
Eneru makes quick work of Kamakiri after a speech that suggests that his immense power has given him a massive god complex. Before Kamakiri is defeated, he has the horrified thought that the reject dial won’t even work on Eneru. Wyper will sacrifice himself for nothing. When Eneru attacks Kamakiri, the power is captured by the clouds in the milky road and travels downstream…killing at least twenty of Eneru’s own army. True to form, he doesn’t even care.
Nami guides the Going Merry back to the edge of Upper Yard with the help of Conis and Pagaya. Aisa, because she was born with the power of Mantra, shares concerning news: there are no groups of four people together anywhere on Upper Yard, and voices keep going silent. Since the last time Nami saw Luffy, Zoro, Robin, and Chopper they were together, there’s no way for her to know what it means that they’re not.
Commander Yama

Luffy is still wandering around the weird cave he fell into, which is wet and filled with all sorts of ruins and artifacts. He’s most concerned about lunch, of course. He continues to look for an exit, while elsewhere, Robin faces down Commander Yama, who discovered Robin while she explored Upper Yard’s ruins. As he tries to kill her, he’s also destroying the ruins, which Robin believes could hold the key to the history she’s been searching for her whole life.
She leads him away so he can’t destroy anything else, and at last we can to see the full scope of Robin’s Devil Fruit power. She does have limitations: Yama is much larger than she is, so lifting him into the air strains her abilities. But she still manages to overcome him, using his own dials against him. She has no mercy, especially since he trashed so much history that can never be recovered. With Robin’s ability, she’s a great resource for the Straw Hats. But although Luffy trusts her, we still don’t know if she’s truly part of the team…

She continues her exploration and arrives at her destination. But as Robin looks around, there’s nothing there….until she realizes there’s another level of cloud, split on a beanstalk. As she discovers where the ruins actually are, Chopper has already climbed the beanstalk and has come face to face with the vassal Ohm and his giant dog, Holly. Ohm is very sad about how humans fight amongst themselves and believes their only salvation is death: so he’ll “save” them. Chopper runs, but Ohm is much stronger than Gedastu, and Ohm’s sword swipe cuts Chopper down, even from far away.

Meanwhile, Zoro is still lost. He’s being followed by a giant South Bird who he thinks only wants food. When he stops to rest the South Bird laughs at him, scoops him up, and flies him over the trees. Even Luffy is also facing problems, as he reaches a dead end in the cave, and tries to punch through the wall, which doesn’t work at all, but starts some kind of seismic event.
When it calms down, Luffy is okay, but he’s unsure how to get out of the cave. He starts throwing more punches. At the coast, Nami and Aisa are arguing about Aisa taking part in battle when a giant sky snake appears next to them, and begins thrashing around—to the timing of Luffy’s blows!
Giant Sky Snake

That’s right: Luffy didn’t end up in a cave. He ended up inside a giant sky snake. The snake’s thrashing, due to pain, causes Nami to escape on a waver, but she goes the wrong way, into the forest of Upper Yard. She ends up taking Aisa with her while the sky snake thrashes its way through the forest.
Back at the top of the beanstalk, Wyper arrives, only to find Ohm waiting for him. Ganfor appears then, too, and informs him there’s no use in going to Eneru’s headquarters because it’s been destroyed. Eneru’s claims of being done with Skypiea are true, even though it’s not clear what he’s up to. Zoro is still soaring through the air, carried by a South Bird, when the giant sky snake (Luffy Inside) tries to eat the bird. Because South Birds are kind of jerky, Zoro’s bird realizes it can drop Zoro as bait for the sky snake and then escape. Zoro is unceremoniously let go. He lands amid the ongoing confrontation between Ganfor, Wyper, and Ohm.
Now it’s Zoro against everyone but Ganfor, Wyper against everyone, and Ganfor against Ohm in a complicated three-way battle. Plus, the sky snake (with Luffy inside, who still doesn’t realize he’s not inside a cave…oh Luffy, bless your heart) did exactly what the South Bird thought it would and followed Zoro, so now it’s part of the complicated battle, too. It looks like a fight might break out, but then Zoro discovers Chopper’s unconscious body. Although Zoro has a policy of only fighting to improve his skills it’s obvious he’s about to make an exception for his crewmate and take down Ohm.
While Zoro prepares to fight, Robin is carving her way through island cloud to discover that the ruins of Shandora, lost centuries before, is hidden between layers of island cloud that has slowly claimed them over the years. It’s an amazing discovery and she takes a moment to enjoy it; she’s unaware of how the other Straw Hats are struggling.
The remaining Shandians race to warn Wyper about Eneru, while Nami and Aisa run away from the heavenly army forces on the waver. They all eventually reach where Zoro is fighting with Ohm. Wyper is angry about Aisa being there; Zoro is shocked to see Nami. Ganfor swoops in with Pierre and saves Nami and Aisa from attack, but then the giant sky snake eats them (so many people get eaten by giant animals in this adventure). Because Zoro and Wyer are distracted, Ohm manages to attack and slice both of them up: he lectures them for not paying attention, since there’s no saving their friends, anyway.

As Wyper and Zoro struggle back to their feet, Ohm and Holly encase the area in sharp iron cloud, which cuts anyone who gets too close to it. Right after they’re trapped, Raki, one of the Shandians, comes running to warn Wyper about Eneru’s Devil Fruit abilities. But by invoking him, she’s brought Eneru right to her, because of his ability with Mantra. While Wyper watches, helplessly, Eneru uses his lightning powers to take Raki out of play. But he and Zoro are still trapped in Ohm’s iron cloud trap with the bad guys and a giant sky snake that just ate their friends.
Inside the snake, Nami and Ganfor are assessing their situation. Suddenly, out of the darkness, Luffy appears. It takes Nami a while to convince Luffy he was swallowed by a giant snake, but when he does he’s ready to get out immediately. He suggests they go through the snake’s butt. Pause for a moment and consider the implications of exiting a giant snake through its butt—and yes, Luffy is completely serious. Nami, of course, is immediately opposed. But Luffy’s presence makes her realize that the reason the sky snake kept acting so erratically was because Luffy was inside causing it pain. Outside, the sky snake reacts violently again, because now Nami’s engaging in some extreme violence.
Zoro is too busy to worry about the snake and his friends, because Ohm’s power to create sharp clouds as well as clouds that block Zoro’s attacks is immense. Plus, Ohm has Mantra, too, and can tell where Zoro is and predict his attacks. Ohm deflects one of Zoro’s stronger attacks, and then goes on the offensive, leaving Zoro to dodge helplessly. But finally, Zoro stops and focuses. Unlike when he defeated Braham with a heavy one-sword attack, this time he uses all three swords, cutting through the wall between him and Ohm with a massively heavy strike, deflecting Ohm’s defensive cloud wall, and landing a fatal blow! During this attack, he’s also transitioned to his black bandana—a good visual clue for when Zoro is about to get seriously dangerous.

Side Story Alert!
Our next side story is with Portgas D. Ace, Luffy’s brother, who we met back in Nanohana in the Alabasta arc. He’s still on the hunt for Blackbeard who we last saw trying to challenge Luffy: will Ace find him?
Back to the Action!
Robin takes her time exploring the hidden ruins of Shandora. Because of the time period when Shandora existed, it protected a Ponegliff—possibly the very Ponegliff Robin’s been searching for her whole life. She’s hopeful she can find it and starts searching for it, as well as a giant golden bell that hung in the ruins. She notices cart tracks on the ground, but can’t investigate more because Eneru appears. He tells her that she must be a good archaeologist to have found the ruins, but all the gold is gone. She mentions the golden bell, but Eneru doesn’t know what she means until he remembers stories of when Shandora was launched into the sky and there was a bright song that played across Skypiea. Robin believes that if the bell made it and Eneru didn’t find it, maybe the Ponegliff did, too.
Eneru is distracted from Robin when he senses something on the edge of the island. Because Pagaya and Conis were left to protect the Going Merry, as well as Sanji and Usopp as they recovered from Eneru’s attack, they’re at the edge of Upper Yard when they find one of Ganfor’s former men. He escaped Eneru’s enslavement and tells them that Eneru is going to destroy Skypiea by crashing it into Blue Sea. Eneru also built an ark—Maxim—to protect himself and travel far away. That explains where all the gold from Shandora went! Conis wants to help the person, but before she can Eneru, even from so far away, sends a bolt of lightning that envelopes him—and Pagaya, too!
Although his secret has spread to Conis, Eneru doesn’t seem worried. He uses his lightning powers to collapse the island cloud above him, where Zoro just finished his fight again Ohm. It drops everyone and everything crashing into the next level—including the sky snake. As they fall, Nami and Ganfor escape from the snake’s mouth, but Luffy and Aisa are left behind, requiring Pierre to fly back in and rescue them. When the dust has settled, Wyper is in awe because he’s rediscovered his homeland which has been lost to the Shandians for hundreds of years. Nami, Robin, and Zoro reconnect, although Zoro is irked to find out Luffy allowed himself to get consumed. The sky snake is acting odd, looking around the ruins and…crying? It doesn’t last long, because Eneru fries it with lightning…with Luffy and Aisa still inside it! Wyper attacks in revenge, but Eneru avoids it easily, and chides Wyper for his rudeness since he gets to glimpse his homeland.
Eneru proceeds to tell the remaining fighters about his game, and that he predicted at the end of the Sky Battle there’d be five players remaining. Nami is hiding, but using Mantra Eneru knows about her, anyway. He asks for volunteers for who he’s going to take out, since he can’t give an incorrect prediction. He’s a god, after all. They all, of course, suggest him. He’s not impressed with that and we’re treated to a quick flashback to show Eneru and his forces taking Upper Yard from Ganfor. Ganfor lost against Eneru and was tossed out of Upper Yard, defeated. But all his followers were enslaved by Eneru. In the present, Eneru tells Ganfor that they’re all dead, and their deaths don’t matter because soon, Skypiea will fall to the Blue Sea, so everyone remaining will die. Ganfor, engaged, attacks, but he’s defeated easily: Eneru’s prediction of five remaining fighters is now true.
He tells the rest of them that they’ll be coming with him to his Godland as lucky individuals. Wyper, Nami, Zoro, and Robin don’t want to go, and Robin says so. Because after all, she says, that means he’ll leave the island without finding the golden bell. Eneru is prepared for the question, though: he thinks he knows where it is, and he thinks Robin does, too, and that she thought she could hide her intentions from him—he mistakenly believes she wants the golden bell for herself when she’s really after the Ponegliff. It doesn’t end well for her, either. Eneru attacks. Zoro catches Robin before she hits the ground and he and Wyper retaliate. Nami, watching nearby, can tell how powerful Eneru is because she heard thunder and can sense a difference in the way the air settles. Even two to one against Eneru, Zoro and Wyper are outmatched. Zoro falls first, but Wyper manages to get a grip on Eneru: his dial has seastone in it which prevents Devil Fruit users from engaging their powers. Eneru doesn’t believe Wyper will use the reject dial, because it will rip him apart, too. But Wyper doesn’t care: he uses it, and Eneru falls.
It’s not to last, though. Eneru, using his own lightning powers, recharges his own heart. This is one extremely tough Devil Fruit user. He may indeed be invincible.
Although Wyper is badly wounded by the fighting and the reject dial, keeps standing, over and over, persisting through Eneru’s attacks. He is determined to honor his great ancestor, Kalgara, by not bowing before Eneru. Zoro also refuses to give up, but Eneru’s power is too great, and they fall, leaving Nami alone. Quickly, she agrees to go with Eneru on his journey (smart move, Nami). He takes Nami with him to see Maxim, the ark he had Ganfor’s enslaved followers build him using the gold from the Shandora ruins. It’s massive and runs mainly on lightning power, so only Eneru can drive it. He needed a conductive material for his ship, so of course he routed all the people of Skypiea and took over Upper Yard—the gold must have been irresistible. Nami isn’t just awed by the size of Maxim. She’s also awed because it can fly.
Back at the ruins, Luffy, Aisa, and Pierre finally escape from the giant sky snake. Luffy is happy until he realizes that Chopper, Zoro, and Robin have been injured. Aisa reveals that she doesn’t know what happened because while inside the snake her Mantra didn’t work. That means if she didn’t know what was happening while she was in the snake, that means Eneru doesn’t even know Luffy exists yet. Robin, barely conscious, warns Luffy that Eneru plans to crash Skypiea into the Blue Sea. Since Aisa can sense two people on the island, Luffy demands that she led him to where they are. Eneru doesn’t know about Luffy, but he’s definitely about to learn.
While Luffy tracks Eneru down, Conis races to Angel Island to warn people about Eneru’s plan to send everything crashing into Blue Sea. But rumors have been spread slowly she she and her father were working with the enemy—the Straw Hats—and everyone on Angel Island is prepared to take her into custody if they see her. When she reaches Angel Island, she takes out a few officials with her waver when they get in her way and endures having projectiles flung at her before shouting that she doesn’t believe that Eneru is a god—losing her father has drained her of any pretense at subservience. People scramble away from her, terrified of the lightning strike she’s called down, but nothing happens. No big surprise—Conis telling the truth can’t hurt Eneru now. She tells people to stand up for themselves instead of cowering in fear.
Through her passionate speech, Conis finally convinces the Angel Island people to start evacuating with the help of the officers who previously has stymied her efforts. They’re also ashamed about how they sided with Eneru to prevent more people from getting hurt. They were trying, in the only way they knew how, to protect their home, even if it made them complicit in Eneru’s oppression—but they’re done being his tools. They encourage Conis to escape, but she refuses. She’s going back to help the Straw Hats and fulfill her promise.
Back on Maxim, Eneru discovers Luffy through Mantra now that he’s out of the sky snake. Eneru is annoyed, because it means his prediction was wrong. The worst part of his day isn’t most of the people loyal to him getting wiped out, but losing a bet—with himself! What an ego he has. It’s huge. But even larger is Luffy’s temper when he confronts Eneru.
So far, Eneru’s power has burned through everyone. But when Luffy launches himself at Eneru, the lightning doesn’t work. Eneru attacks again, again, and again with stronger and stronger lightning strikes, but Luffy never becomes a charred husk like everyone else that Eneru targets. Nami puts it together almost immediately: as a rubber man, Luffy is possibly the only one who can stand up against Eneru’s massive power. Eneru puts it together right after that, when Luffy lands the first punch on Eneru he’s had probably since he ate the Rumble Rumble Fruit.
But Eneru’s not out of tricks. He’s resistant to some of Luffy’s attacks and he can teleport by sending himself through gold in one part of the Maxim ark to another, effectively moving in ways that Luffy can’t predict. And he’s still got Mantra, which allows him to sense Luffy’s movements before he makes them.
Nami is panicked, because all the options for winning look bad. Luffy tosses her his hat and tells her to stop worrying. He’s going to be the King of the Pirates and his crew needs to be strong. Even with his confidence, Mantra is still working against him. Eneru takes the lull in battle to explain that he’s going to destroy Skypiea by churning special clouds into the sky with Maxim that then send down bolts of lightning. He’ll fry everything—people included— into dust until the whole of Skypiea tumbles into Blue Sea. The ego on this dude is amazing; he believes that just because he has the power to do such a horrible thing, he has the right to do it. Luffy disagrees and picks up the fight again. He tries a few things that don’t work (apparently, Luffy has a power that makes him unpredictable, but too dumb to attack), but discovers the perfect idea. He starts attacking the ark by punching the golden plating. Eneru is amused right up until Luffy’s punches ricochets off the wall in a way Eneru’s Mantra can’t predict. Eneru gets walloped. That gives Luffy the opening he needs to finally lay into Eneru.
And yet, Eneru isn’t beaten. Although Luffy landed some good hits, they weren’t enough to take him down. When Luffy tries again to hit Eneru by bouncing punches off the golden plating, Eneru uses his powers to melt the gold into a ball around Luffy’s arm and then throw him off the side of the ark, which is slowly lifting into the air.
Aisa, who is riding on Pierre in his horse form, try to catch Luffy. To prevent it, Eneru sends a bolt of lightning down on them. Nami watches in horror as they tumble down to the island cloud below. When we first met Nami, she was on her own and didn’t believe in teamwork—after all, the only team she had was a bunch of rude fish dudes intent on exploiting her skills for their own benefit with no care for her emotional health. But now, we see her refuse to save herself, because even if she does survive, she’ll do it without her crew—her friends. She’s no longer interested in going it alone without someone to enjoy it with, and Eneru is a terrible date.
But luckily, she’s not alone: back on the Going Merry, Conis discovers Usopp and Sanji are missing. Instead of recovering, they’re climbing aboard the Maxim to mount a rescue. Eneru knows they’re there, though, and tries to take care of Nami before they arrive. Her climate baton helps her defend against Eneru’s lightning attacks, but it’s not meant to handle a large voltage. Eneru tries to attack her for the last time, but Usopp appears with a slingshot attack. But it’s only a minor distraction, and Nami and Usopp hop around the deck of Maxim, avoiding Eneru’s lightning strikes. Nami still has her waver, though, so they try to escape. It doesn’t look like they’ll make it as Eneru calls down a giant bolt. But Sanji appears with a powerful kick! He takes the brunt of the attack and collapses, but his work is already done: he sabotaged Maxim somehow. It was a worthy effort, but Eneru made sure there were backups, so his plan is still a go.
Sanji is out of the game (again) for now, but the other Straw Hats finally reconnect at the base of the beanstalk. Luffy, who survived the fall from Maxim thanks to Pierre saving him and Aisa, is determined to get back to the ship and give Eneru what for. He’s still got a giant ball of gold attached to his hand, but it seems to be barely slowing him down. As Luffy climbs the beanstalk to Eneru’s next destination—the location of the golden bell—the lightning clouds above Skypiea have finally spread enough to use. Eneru’s final attack begins!


It looks pretty dire for the Straw Hats and everyone that lives in Skypiea. Eneru even left all his so-called allies behind after they lost their battles. In some cases they were collateral damage caused by him! But there has been some fascinating reveals, too: Robin’s discoveries are amazing, but they also raise more questions we’ve come across before: why is that history missing from the Blue Sea? How does Robin even know to look for it? Who taught her to read the ruins? What happened in the Blue Sea’s lost past? Also, Eneru mentioned that Blue Sea people know about the gold, insinuating that the Straw Hats weren’t the first people to make it to Skypiea in search of the treasure hidden in Shandora—who else made it, and did they escape?
Even though the odds of survival for Skypiea seem dire, Luffy is tough, and Eneru blinded by his own power and years of being untouchable. There’s confidence and belief in oneself, which Luffy has in spades, and arrogance, with is the main component of Eneru’s identity at this point. Plus, he beat up Luffy’s crew, and he’s gonna pay for that. Luffy won’t stop until he has.

Next Time!

We’ll be reading Volumes 31, 32, and 33, concluding the Skypiea arc. It’s going to be a blast, so tune in for our next installment.