B&N Reads, Everyone Is Talking About, Trends

TikTok #Booktok Challenge

Besides the sun, the freedom, and the glorious NOTHINGNESS of summer, a big part of summer has always been summer reading. And not to sound like Grandpa Joe talking about kids today, but kids today! AMIRITE? 

So, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em! That’s right, we’re partnering up with TikTok and their creators to launch our #BookTokChallenge!  

Now if you’re wondering what a reading challenge and TikTok have in common, you probably haven’t stumbled into the glorious world of #BookTok. On #BookTok, readers unite over books they love (or don’t), recommend books, make fun of characters, and get a glimpse of their favorite authors talking about how to avoid writing a book. Now you may be thinking, “is a reading challenge even a way for my kid to get off the screen?” Great Question! Short answer, yes. Long answer? Here’s the challenge: TikTok has made a #BookTok hub with us that has creators talking about books to read and has a link to our #BookTok page. On the page on our Barnes and Noble website, we lay out all the books that are popular on BookTok, and you can look them over to find books that you’re comfortable with your teens reading them. Then, they need to read a book IRL, post about it (with #BookTokChallenge, of course) and, boom, they’ve read a book and didn’t even have time to snapchat. The books we’re recommending are all featured on the hub as well and will be featured in our stores throughout the country along with the QR code that takes you to a dedicated #BookTok hub on Tiktok.  

The books we’ve chosen run the gambit of tropes of the most popular on Tiktok presented in a way to allow your child to discover new books based on what they already love to read.  

Our partnership with TikTok on the #BookTokChallenge is to harness the power of books to help people expand their minds through reading. It’s also your opportunity to encourage your teen to use TikTok to read more instead of watching another cat video … although, boy, do we love cat videos. It’s also your opportunity to be this meme.

Call us old fashioned, but there’s nothing like getting lost in a book.