Must Reads

16 YA Books You’ll Want to Read After a Single Quote

There are many ways to find new books to read. Some people like to head to their nearest Barnes & Noble and spend a few hours quietly perusing. Others like to skim through the reviews and order online. Still others prefer to just buy a bunch of new books and then reread Harry Potter for the hundredth time while their recent purchases languish in some long-forgotten corner. (No shame.) (Okay, a little bit of shame.)
But there is a fourth option. We may not often talk about this one, but we’ve all done it. It’s when you see a quote from a book—whether it be on a shirt, a poster, or an Etsy cross-stitch pattern—and the words are so brilliant, so witty, so intriguing you think to yourself, “I need to find out what book that’s from, and I need to read it immediately.” In the spirit of that book-hunting method, here are 16 quotes from YA novels that are not Etsy cross-stitch patterns but are sure to pique your interest nonetheless.

How to Build a Girl

How to Build a Girl

Paperback $18.99

How to Build a Girl

By Caitlin Moran

In Stock Online

Paperback $18.99

“‘A self-made man’—not of woman born but alchemized, through sheer force of will, by the man himself. This is what I want to be. I want to be a self-made woman. I want to conjure myself out of every sparkling, fast-moving thing I can see. I want to be the creator of myself.”
How to Build a Girl, by Caitlin Moran

“‘A self-made man’—not of woman born but alchemized, through sheer force of will, by the man himself. This is what I want to be. I want to be a self-made woman. I want to conjure myself out of every sparkling, fast-moving thing I can see. I want to be the creator of myself.”
How to Build a Girl, by Caitlin Moran

Delirium (Delirium Series #1)

Delirium (Delirium Series #1)

Paperback $15.99

Delirium (Delirium Series #1)

By Lauren Oliver

In Stock Online

Paperback $15.99

“It has been sixty-four years since the president and the Consortium identified love as a disease, and forty-three since the scientists perfected a cure.”
Delirium, by Lauren Oliver

“It has been sixty-four years since the president and the Consortium identified love as a disease, and forty-three since the scientists perfected a cure.”
Delirium, by Lauren Oliver

I Am the Messenger

I Am the Messenger

Paperback $12.99

I Am the Messenger

By Markus Zusak

In Stock Online

Paperback $12.99

“The gunman is useless. I know it. He knows it. The whole bank knows it. Even my best mate, Marvin, knows it, and he’s more useless than the gunman. The worst part about the whole thing is that Marv’s car is standing outside in a fifteen-minute parking zone. We’re all facedown on the floor, and the car’s only got a few minutes left on it.”
I Am the Messenger, by Markus Zusak

“The gunman is useless. I know it. He knows it. The whole bank knows it. Even my best mate, Marvin, knows it, and he’s more useless than the gunman. The worst part about the whole thing is that Marv’s car is standing outside in a fifteen-minute parking zone. We’re all facedown on the floor, and the car’s only got a few minutes left on it.”
I Am the Messenger, by Markus Zusak

The 5th Wave (Fifth Wave Series #1)

The 5th Wave (Fifth Wave Series #1)

Paperback $12.99

The 5th Wave (Fifth Wave Series #1)

By Rick Yancey

In Stock Online

Paperback $12.99

“We’d stared into the face of Death, and Death blinked first. You’d think that would make us feel brave and invincible. It didn’t.”
The 5th Wave, by Rick Yancey

“We’d stared into the face of Death, and Death blinked first. You’d think that would make us feel brave and invincible. It didn’t.”
The 5th Wave, by Rick Yancey

A Certain Slant of Light

A Certain Slant of Light

Paperback $15.99

A Certain Slant of Light

By Laura Whitcomb

In Stock Online

Paperback $15.99

“Someone was looking at me, a disturbing sensation if you’re dead.”
A Certain Slant of Light, by Laura Whitcomb

“Someone was looking at me, a disturbing sensation if you’re dead.”
A Certain Slant of Light, by Laura Whitcomb

Dumplin' (Dumplin' Series #1)

Dumplin' (Dumplin' Series #1)

Paperback $15.99

Dumplin' (Dumplin' Series #1)

By Julie Murphy

In Stock Online

Paperback $15.99

“There’s something about swimsuits that make you think you’ve got to earn the right to wear them. And that’s wrong. Really, the criteria is simple. Do you have a body? Put a swimsuit on it.”
Dumplin’, by Julie Murphy

“There’s something about swimsuits that make you think you’ve got to earn the right to wear them. And that’s wrong. Really, the criteria is simple. Do you have a body? Put a swimsuit on it.”
Dumplin’, by Julie Murphy

Red Queen (Red Queen Series #1)

Red Queen (Red Queen Series #1)

Paperback $15.99

Red Queen (Red Queen Series #1)

By Victoria Aveyard

In Stock Online

Paperback $15.99

“The gods rule us still. They have come down from the stars. And they are no longer kind.”
Red Queen, by Victoria Aveyard

“The gods rule us still. They have come down from the stars. And they are no longer kind.”
Red Queen, by Victoria Aveyard

I'll Give You the Sun

I'll Give You the Sun

Paperback $12.99

I'll Give You the Sun

By Jandy Nelson

In Stock Online

Paperback $12.99

“I love you,” I say to him, only it comes out, “Hey.”
“So damn much,” he says back, only it comes out, “Dude.”
He still won’t meet my eyes.
I’ll Give You the Sun, by Jandy Nelson

“I love you,” I say to him, only it comes out, “Hey.”
“So damn much,” he says back, only it comes out, “Dude.”
He still won’t meet my eyes.
I’ll Give You the Sun, by Jandy Nelson

Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone Series #1)

Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone Series #1)

Paperback $14.99

Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone Series #1)

By Laini Taylor

Paperback $14.99

“It is a condition of monsters that they do not perceive themselves as such. The dragon, you know, hunkered in the village devouring maidens, heard the townsfolk cry ‘Monster!’ and looked behind him.”
Daughter of Smoke and Bone, by Laini Taylor

“It is a condition of monsters that they do not perceive themselves as such. The dragon, you know, hunkered in the village devouring maidens, heard the townsfolk cry ‘Monster!’ and looked behind him.”
Daughter of Smoke and Bone, by Laini Taylor

The Mind Readers

The Mind Readers

Paperback $10.50

The Mind Readers

By Lori Brighton

In Stock Online

Paperback $10.50

“The man sitting across from me at the cafe was thinking about murdering his wife.”
The Mind Readers, by Lori Brighton
“I am no longer afraid of getting old. Indeed I can’t believe I ever said anything so stupid. So childish. So offensive and arrogant.

“The man sitting across from me at the cafe was thinking about murdering his wife.”
The Mind Readers, by Lori Brighton
“I am no longer afraid of getting old. Indeed I can’t believe I ever said anything so stupid. So childish. So offensive and arrogant.

Code Name Verity

Code Name Verity

Paperback $10.99

Code Name Verity

By Elizabeth Wein

In Stock Online

Paperback $10.99

But mainly, so very, very stupid. I desperately want to grow old.”
Code Name Verity, by Elizabeth Wein

But mainly, so very, very stupid. I desperately want to grow old.”
Code Name Verity, by Elizabeth Wein

The Book Thief (10th Anniversary Edition)

The Book Thief (10th Anniversary Edition)

Hardcover $22.99

The Book Thief (10th Anniversary Edition)

By Markus Zusak

In Stock Online

Hardcover $22.99

“I wanted to tell the book thief many things, about beauty and brutality. But what could I tell her about those things that she didn’t already know? I wanted to explain that I am constantly overestimating and underestimating the human race—that rarely do I ever simply estimate it. I wanted to ask her how the same thing could be so ugly and so glorious, and its words and stories so damning and brilliant.”
The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak

“I wanted to tell the book thief many things, about beauty and brutality. But what could I tell her about those things that she didn’t already know? I wanted to explain that I am constantly overestimating and underestimating the human race—that rarely do I ever simply estimate it. I wanted to ask her how the same thing could be so ugly and so glorious, and its words and stories so damning and brilliant.”
The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak



Paperback $9.99


By Tess Oliver

Paperback $9.99

“Hell won’t be so bad, you know. After all, I’ll be there to keep you company.”
Camille, by Tess Oliver

“Hell won’t be so bad, you know. After all, I’ll be there to keep you company.”
Camille, by Tess Oliver

This Is Where the World Ends

This Is Where the World Ends

Hardcover $17.99

This Is Where the World Ends

By Amy Zhang

In Stock Online

Hardcover $17.99

“Life is messy and the universe has an awful lot of people to keep track of. Sometimes things get screwed up. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Sometimes good things happen to bad people.
That isn’t fair.
Bad things should happen to bad people.
And they will. They will.”
This Is Where the World Ends, by Amy Zhang

“Life is messy and the universe has an awful lot of people to keep track of. Sometimes things get screwed up. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Sometimes good things happen to bad people.
That isn’t fair.
Bad things should happen to bad people.
And they will. They will.”
This Is Where the World Ends, by Amy Zhang

The Chaos of Stars

The Chaos of Stars

Paperback $11.99

The Chaos of Stars

By Kiersten White

In Stock Online

Paperback $11.99

“And I’d choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you.”
The Chaos of Stars, by Kiersten White

“And I’d choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you.”
The Chaos of Stars, by Kiersten White

Going Bovine

Going Bovine

Paperback $14.99

Going Bovine

By Libba Bray

In Stock Online

Paperback $14.99

“The best day of my life happened when I was five and almost died at Disney World.”
Going Bovine, by Libba Bray

“The best day of my life happened when I was five and almost died at Disney World.”
Going Bovine, by Libba Bray