Books to Read While You’re Waiting for Twin Peaks’ Return

The long dreamed-of return of Twin Peaks is happening, and we haven’t stopped eating celebratory pie and coffee since David Lynch gave word. While we wait for the third season to arrive with nothing but our sentient log friends to keep us company, we’ll be losing ourselves in books that capture the spirit of Lynch’s singular town, where girls dance to Angelo Badalamenti, BOB roams your nightmares in double denim, and do-gooding cops face surreal evils and come out on top. Here are the books you should read between now and the return of Agent Dale Cooper:

The Secret Place (Dublin Murder Squad Series #5)

The Secret Place (Dublin Murder Squad Series #5)

Hardcover $27.95

The Secret Place (Dublin Murder Squad Series #5)

By Tana French

Hardcover $27.95

The Secret Place, by Tana French
In French’s latest, a police detective trespasses on the mystical terrain of female best friendship while investigating the murder of a young boarding-school boy, found dead on the grounds of an adjacent all-girls academy. The girls at the center of the story have as many secrets as Laura Palmer, and their nascent sexuality and secretive world confound a detective who knows there’s more to their stories than meets the eye.

The Secret Place, by Tana French
In French’s latest, a police detective trespasses on the mystical terrain of female best friendship while investigating the murder of a young boarding-school boy, found dead on the grounds of an adjacent all-girls academy. The girls at the center of the story have as many secrets as Laura Palmer, and their nascent sexuality and secretive world confound a detective who knows there’s more to their stories than meets the eye.

The Thin Place

The Thin Place

Paperback $21.99

The Thin Place

By Kathryn Davis

In Stock Online

Paperback $21.99

Magic for Beginners, by Kelly Link
Link shares Lynch’s skill of spiking the mundane with a shot of weirdness, knowing that a world just a half-step out of sync with our own can be more arresting than a wholly invented place. In her second collection (watch for the fourth, Get in Trouble, next February), Link imagines alien territories inside of handbags, a new home where items become haunted one by one, and a mysterious, impossible TV show that reaches out to its biggest fan. (And if you want to really freak yourself out, go out of your way to read “The Specialist’s Hat,” the standout tale in her debut collection Stranger Things Happen. It’s got an ending that will coil up in your lizard brain and creep you out for weeks.)

Magic for Beginners, by Kelly Link
Link shares Lynch’s skill of spiking the mundane with a shot of weirdness, knowing that a world just a half-step out of sync with our own can be more arresting than a wholly invented place. In her second collection (watch for the fourth, Get in Trouble, next February), Link imagines alien territories inside of handbags, a new home where items become haunted one by one, and a mysterious, impossible TV show that reaches out to its biggest fan. (And if you want to really freak yourself out, go out of your way to read “The Specialist’s Hat,” the standout tale in her debut collection Stranger Things Happen. It’s got an ending that will coil up in your lizard brain and creep you out for weeks.)

Magic for Beginners

Magic for Beginners

Paperback $17.00

Magic for Beginners

By Kelly Link
Illustrator Shelley Jackson

In Stock Online

Paperback $17.00

The Thin Place, by Kathryn Davis
Davis’s “thin place” is a seaside town where magic can happen, for good or for ill. In the opening pages of this surreal, beguiling novel, a trio of little girls finds a dead man on a beach. One of them intervenes—and he’s alive again. From there the story unspools, about everyday life in a town where oddities breed oddities. Davis’s prose will put you into a trance, and her ending will delicately devastate you.

The Thin Place, by Kathryn Davis
Davis’s “thin place” is a seaside town where magic can happen, for good or for ill. In the opening pages of this surreal, beguiling novel, a trio of little girls finds a dead man on a beach. One of them intervenes—and he’s alive again. From there the story unspools, about everyday life in a town where oddities breed oddities. Davis’s prose will put you into a trance, and her ending will delicately devastate you.

A Wild Sheep Chase

A Wild Sheep Chase

Paperback $17.00

A Wild Sheep Chase

By Haruki Murakami

In Stock Online

Paperback $17.00

A Wild Sheep Chase, by Haruki Murakami
No matter what manner of weirdness Kyle MacLachlan’s indomitable Cooper encounters, he accepts the terms of the messed-up world he’s in. He has this in common with the nameless hero of A Wild Sheep Chase, a man whose encounter with a high-class thug who demands he track down a very specific sheep explodes his low-key existence, sending him down a wormhole into a world of shell-shocked sheep men, disappearing women, and ghostly visitors. And food, beer, movies, and jazz, of course. This is Murakami.

A Wild Sheep Chase, by Haruki Murakami
No matter what manner of weirdness Kyle MacLachlan’s indomitable Cooper encounters, he accepts the terms of the messed-up world he’s in. He has this in common with the nameless hero of A Wild Sheep Chase, a man whose encounter with a high-class thug who demands he track down a very specific sheep explodes his low-key existence, sending him down a wormhole into a world of shell-shocked sheep men, disappearing women, and ghostly visitors. And food, beer, movies, and jazz, of course. This is Murakami.

Dandelion Wine, by Ray Bradbury
Bradbury’s summer-set coming-of-age novel takes place in a sepia-tinged America of wide open spaces and boys being boys, but one that buzzes with an undercurrent of magic. Though it has more earnest heart and far less weird than the town of Twin Peaks, Green Town has the same feeling of a place out of time, both darkly real and tinged with nostalgia.
Roadfood, by Jane and Michael Stern
The Sterns have made it their business to know where you can find the best pie, coffee, and everything else you’d want to eat while driving America’s roadways, and business is delicious. If you found yourself zoning out during every Twin Peaks episode because all you could think was, “damn, that pie looks good,” then this is the book for you.