Outlander Episode 6: The Garrison Commander

OutlanderRoll me through the heather and tell sweet lies to a redcoat, it’s Outlander time once more! Heavens, am I pleased that this is so. I’d play a bagpipe in celebration, but 1) I don’t know how, and 2) I don’t actually own a bagpipe, and 3) since this is the written word, I feel that would be a highly ineffective way of sharing my enthusiasm.
The show is getting stronger week by week, and sexy glance by sexy glance. At this point it’s so riddled with tensions that even the rakish angle of Dougal’s cap sets my heart going pitter-pat. Points to all involved for exploring Claire and Dougal’s bond this week. When Claire was brought to the English garrison, Dougal came with her, and, when her (and his) erstwhile enemy Black Jack Randall appeared and threatened her with all manner of harm, it was Dougal who became her protector. Swoon, swoon, and triple swoon. It almost makes you forget all the times in the books (and, you know, last week) when Dougal was a notoriously untrustworthy and vaguely murderous creeper whom you desired to punch in the mouth.
This week we learned all about Jamie’s flogging (the only time he’s not totally sexy is when all the blood is being drained from his body, turns out) from the flogger himself, Jack Randall. While Jack is clearly a sadistic monster (see aforementioned flogging, and the gut punch he gives Claire), the presentation of the man is layered and interesting. He’s much more than just a mustache-twirling villain. His appearance is almost refreshing in the face of the simpering idiocy of the King’s other men, who believe every lie Claire tosses their way.
It’s kind of surprising that as the show continues to dig deeper it’s only pleasing my inner fan girl more and more. Usually, the point at which a television series based upon a popular collection of books begins to incur the first rumbling from fans is when it begins to deviate from the story as it is presented in the books. There’s an argument to be made that this isn’t entirely fair.
I’m going to make that argument now for the capital-C Choices being made this week on Outlander. While the storyline is essentially the same, the things that are being changed serve the characters and the spirit of the novels flawlessly. By the end of this episode we completely believe Claire’s allegiance to the Scots in the face of the threat of English justice being brought down on her head. That this threat drives her into a marriage of convenience (and safety) with Jamie is just the cherry on top. Forget Kim and Kanye—this wedding? Will be the wedding of the century…the 18th century, son.
Am I mostly giddy because Claire and Jamie are finally set to wed each other? Admittedly. But if I dig just a little bit deeper (the tiniest bit), my enthusiasm is also lifted to glorious heights by the deft portrayal of Villain Numero Uno, Black Jack. Between him and the complicated Dougal, they’ve shown that they understand the nature of evil as something complex. The threats to Claire and Jamie are palpable. Now, as a (eeeeeeee!) couple, the idea of watching them thwart and sidestep danger together is absolutely delicious.
Are you watching Outlander on Starz?