A new month means its time for some of our favorite things — coats and totes full of the best new young adult books of September 2023.
It’s spring! Season of mercifully rising temperatures (and less mercifully rising allergies), flowers in bloom, and, of course, l’amour. Yes, that’s right. The season of renewal and beginnings also brings the traditional start of wedding season. And while some newlyweds may ask for a set of mixing bowls, there are those bookish newlyweds who realize starting your life […]
Sometimes a book comes along that makes you stop and say, “Geez, this author must have done a crazy amount of research.” Like Jeffrey Eugenides’s The Marriage Plot (all that yeast!) or Annie Proulx’s The Shipping News (all those knots!). Gifted writers can supply an enormous amount of technical information seamlessly and without making it feel […]