Bleeder: Book #3 in Behind the Mic Mysteries

Undaunted and zealous. Radio crime reporter Lisa Powers is shocked to learn about the violent and often silent world of domestic violence, and is thrust in front of an intense confrontation which forever changes her. While investigating a cold case, she is close to discovering who gunned down a mom in her front yard, but in her drive to seek the truth, the killers find her first. Lisa covers the trial for the cop shooter who took her hostage, and now she must come face-to-face with him in court each day. In her “Murder in the Air Mystery Theatre” podcast, there's a dead art gallery owner, a missing painting and plenty of suspects in "Art of the Steal." Book #3.

Bleeder: Book #3 in Behind the Mic Mysteries

Undaunted and zealous. Radio crime reporter Lisa Powers is shocked to learn about the violent and often silent world of domestic violence, and is thrust in front of an intense confrontation which forever changes her. While investigating a cold case, she is close to discovering who gunned down a mom in her front yard, but in her drive to seek the truth, the killers find her first. Lisa covers the trial for the cop shooter who took her hostage, and now she must come face-to-face with him in court each day. In her “Murder in the Air Mystery Theatre” podcast, there's a dead art gallery owner, a missing painting and plenty of suspects in "Art of the Steal." Book #3.

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Bleeder: Book #3 in Behind the Mic Mysteries

Bleeder: Book #3 in Behind the Mic Mysteries

by Laurie Fagen

Narrated by Laurie Fagen

Unabridged — 7 hours, 14 minutes

Bleeder: Book #3 in Behind the Mic Mysteries

Bleeder: Book #3 in Behind the Mic Mysteries

by Laurie Fagen

Narrated by Laurie Fagen

Unabridged — 7 hours, 14 minutes

Audiobook (Digital)

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Undaunted and zealous. Radio crime reporter Lisa Powers is shocked to learn about the violent and often silent world of domestic violence, and is thrust in front of an intense confrontation which forever changes her. While investigating a cold case, she is close to discovering who gunned down a mom in her front yard, but in her drive to seek the truth, the killers find her first. Lisa covers the trial for the cop shooter who took her hostage, and now she must come face-to-face with him in court each day. In her “Murder in the Air Mystery Theatre” podcast, there's a dead art gallery owner, a missing painting and plenty of suspects in "Art of the Steal." Book #3.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940178132012
Publisher: Laurie Fagen
Publication date: 12/31/2022
Series: Behind the Mic Mysteries , #3
Edition description: Unabridged
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