
Breakneck marks the return of Detectives Mary Catherine (MC) Riggio and Kitt Lundgren, partners in the police department's Violent Crimes Bureau in industrial, blue-collar Rockford, Illinois. The two detectives are faced with tracking down a monster unlike any they have encountered before. The clean, seemingly emotionless kills leave MC and Kitt little but the growing string of victims to follow--all young adults, clean cut, kid-next-door types who've never taken a step outside the law. And this time around, it's personal for MC: The first victim is her cousin Tommy Mariano, oldest son of her favorite aunt. As MC and Kitt hunt a faceless killer, they are led deep into the cyberuniverse, where no one is who they seem and you never know who's watching. At the heart of this fast-paced thriller is the relationship between the two headstrong women, their struggle to balance their dual roles, to learn to trust, and to walk the fine line between upholding the law--and taking it into their own hands as they race to find a murderer.


Breakneck marks the return of Detectives Mary Catherine (MC) Riggio and Kitt Lundgren, partners in the police department's Violent Crimes Bureau in industrial, blue-collar Rockford, Illinois. The two detectives are faced with tracking down a monster unlike any they have encountered before. The clean, seemingly emotionless kills leave MC and Kitt little but the growing string of victims to follow--all young adults, clean cut, kid-next-door types who've never taken a step outside the law. And this time around, it's personal for MC: The first victim is her cousin Tommy Mariano, oldest son of her favorite aunt. As MC and Kitt hunt a faceless killer, they are led deep into the cyberuniverse, where no one is who they seem and you never know who's watching. At the heart of this fast-paced thriller is the relationship between the two headstrong women, their struggle to balance their dual roles, to learn to trust, and to walk the fine line between upholding the law--and taking it into their own hands as they race to find a murderer.

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by Erica Spindler

Narrated by Lorelei King

Unabridged — 9 hours, 48 minutes



by Erica Spindler

Narrated by Lorelei King

Unabridged — 9 hours, 48 minutes

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Breakneck marks the return of Detectives Mary Catherine (MC) Riggio and Kitt Lundgren, partners in the police department's Violent Crimes Bureau in industrial, blue-collar Rockford, Illinois. The two detectives are faced with tracking down a monster unlike any they have encountered before. The clean, seemingly emotionless kills leave MC and Kitt little but the growing string of victims to follow--all young adults, clean cut, kid-next-door types who've never taken a step outside the law. And this time around, it's personal for MC: The first victim is her cousin Tommy Mariano, oldest son of her favorite aunt. As MC and Kitt hunt a faceless killer, they are led deep into the cyberuniverse, where no one is who they seem and you never know who's watching. At the heart of this fast-paced thriller is the relationship between the two headstrong women, their struggle to balance their dual roles, to learn to trust, and to walk the fine line between upholding the law--and taking it into their own hands as they race to find a murderer.

Editorial Reviews

Publishers Weekly

Det. Kitt Lundgren and her partner, Mary Catherine Riggio, of the Rockford, Ill., Violent Crimes Bureau pursue a serial killer ripped from Internet urban legend in this unconvincing thriller from bestseller Spindler (Copycat). When Riggio's too-good-to-be-true fiancé is caught in the line of fire, the shooting at first appears to be unrelated to the murder spree of Breakneck, who targets computer-savvy 20-somethings. Of course, the connection is immediately obvious to readers, if not the veteran staff of the VCB. Lundgren's preoccupied with mending her broken marriage while ambling toward career burnout, and Riggio doesn't hesitate to throw out the procedural rulebook, eschewing her police training in a desperate search for the truth. Spindler strays from her comfort zone in tackling the mysterious world of cyber crime. Casting disaffected youth as criminal masterminds doesn't ring true, while descriptions of technology and its applications are painstakingly overexplained. (Jan.)

Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

From the Publisher

“SPINE-TINGLING.” —Star Magazine

“A GRIPPING STORY that unfolds with breakneck speed, heart-quickening suspense and characters you can't help but root for.” —

“TOP PICK! Filled with well-developed, multidimensional characters, Spindler's latest boasts fast-paced action and emotional tension…. The intricately woven plot makes this novel a sure winner for readers who like to keep guessing all the way to the end.” —Romantic Times BOOKreviews

“A MUST READ. In this gripping new thriller, we are introduced to a tough, new detective duo set to take the crime fiction world by storm…a great read.” —Evening Telegraph (UK)

“BREAKNECK SUSPENSE…Breakneck is a taut thriller, which proves Erica Spindler is still a master of suspense. With adrenaline fused prose, you will find yourself sitting up into the wee hours unable to put the book down until you reach the very last page.” —Ulster Tatler (Ireland)

“A FIRST-CLASS THRILLING READ…Breakneck grabs the interest immediately and never lets go. This is a timely and enthralling piece of work, and has a message for all computer users.” —Fresh Fiction Review

“Erica Spindler never disappoints…Breakneck literally moves at breakneck speed.” —Reader to

APRIL 2009 - AudioFile

Start with Erica Spindler, a bestselling author whose impeccable research creates fascinating characters caught in seemingly impossible situations. Add Lorelei King, a well-seasoned narrator with a remarkable range of convincing voices. The result is a tasty audiobook that will leave listeners wanting more. Violent Crimes Bureau detectives Kitt Lundgren and M.C. Riggio, of Rockford, Illinois, find themselves deep in cyberspace, hunting a cold-blooded killer who appears to target computer hackers. When M.C.'s fiancé, and then her cousin, become victims, her anguish and resolve become palpable in King's capable performance. Kitt sacrifices much to aid her partner, and King builds the tension between the two women in subtle, compelling ways. BREAKNECK operates at top speed, and listeners won't want to miss a single moment. S.J.H. © AudioFile 2009, Portland, Maine

Product Details

BN ID: 2940169311525
Publisher: Macmillan Audio
Publication date: 01/20/2009
Edition description: Unabridged
Sales rank: 1,012,940

Read an Excerpt




3:05 A.M.

THE KID’S EYES snapped open. Matt Martin. Twenty-one-year-old computer-hacking loser. It took only a moment for his expression to shift from sleepy confusion to horrified realization: there was a stranger in his bedroom. That stranger held a gun to his head, to the tender place between his eyes, just above the bridge of his nose.

The one called Breakneck smiled grimly. "Hello, son."

The kid went limp with terror. His mouth worked but no sound emerged.

"The gun I’m holding to your head is nothing fancy. An old-fashioned .38 caliber, semiautomatic. Ser viceable at best."

He kept his voice low, tone soothing. "What’s unique about this situation, of course, is the weapon’s proximity to its target, your brain. When I pull the trigger, the bullet will rocket from the chamber and explode out of the barrel and into your head. In response, your brains will explode out the back of your skull."

Breakneck firmed his grip on the weapon. "The sound will be muffled by the fact that the barrel is pressed to its target, the mess contained by the pillow, bedding and mattress."

The bony young man began to shake. The smell of urine stung the air. Unmoved by the kid’s fear, he went on, "I’m going to ask you a few questions. Your life depends on your answers."

The kid’s eyes welled with tears.

"I know who you are and what you do. I want what you stole from me."

"I don’t know what you’re—"

"Where is it?"

"What? I don’t . . . who are y—"

"I’m the guy you shouldn’t have fucked with. I want my information. And I want my money." He increased pressure on the gun; the kid whimpered. "What do you think, son? Do we do this the easy way? Or the messy way?"

"Easy," he whispered.

"You jacked some information. And some money. Five hundred grand."

Recognition flickered in his horrified gaze.

Of course it did. One didn’t forget stumbling onto that kind of money.

Especially a small-time little shit like this one.

"I see we’re on the same page now. Good."

"I didn’t take your money."

"Who did?"

"I don’t know!" His voice rose. "No one!"

His eyes darted back and forth. A clear sign he was lying. Breakneck could almost hear him thinking. Mentally scrambling for a way out, weighing his options: Give him the information? How much—or how little—would keep him alive? Did he dare lie? Struggle? Beg? What were the consequences of each?

All animals responded to predators in the same way, Breakneck knew. They fought for survival. Using whatever means at their disposal. Over the years, he had seen them all.

Some predators, however, were so smart, so skilled, the fight was as pathetic as it was futile.

"I don’t want to hurt you, Matt. But I will. I’m going to count to three and then I’m going to pull the trigger. One," he said softly. "Two . . . thr—"

"Okay, I found it, but I didn’t move it!"

"Who did? A name."

"I don’t know . . . an e-mail address and screen name, that’s all I have. It’s marioman. At Yahoo. Check for yourself . . . on my laptop. I’m Gunner35. My password’s 121288. You can get it all with that. I promise . . . go see. It’s all there."

The kid’s voice rose as he spoke. Breakneck laid a gloved hand over his mouth to quiet him. "You did good, Matt. Real good. Thank you."

He moved quickly, snapping the young man’s neck before he had a clue what was happening. With little more than a gurgle, Matt Martin died.

Excerpted from Breakneck by Erica Spindler.

Copyright © 2008 by Erica Spindler.

Published in 2008 by St. Martin’s Paperbacks.

All rights reserved. This work is protected under copyright laws and reproduction is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce the material in any manner or medium must be secured from the Publisher.

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