Fearful To Fearless brings together almost 400 passages of scripture to demonstrate or direct us to not be afraid, to not worry or be anxious, to look to Christ for strength and comfort, and be transformed to have a worshipful fear and awe of God. Each passage is accompanied by a short biblical truth to help provide clarity and encouragement. The account of Jesus calming the storm (Mark 4:35-41) demonstrates Christ's power over nature and His ability to comfort us in the storm. It showcases our need to call on Him in prayer and place our trust and reliance on Him, it was the inspiration for writing Fearful To Fearless. When the disciples cried out suggesting that He didn't care whether they perished or not, Christ showed His disappointment in their lack of faith. For Christ loves us all and wants for none to perish, but for all to have faith and go through the storm with Him. Each time we choose to trust Him in the storm the stronger our faith becomes. But what we also see in this passage is the transformation from being afraid, to having the fear of God. The disciples just witnessed the power that He had over the sea and storm and realized the power that He had over them. They were now in awe, they marveled at what they just observed and were filled with the fear of God, a godly fear of the power and grace of Christ during the calm, a fear of the Lord and all His goodness, a reverent awe that was full of honor and glorifying to Christ.
Fearful To Fearless
Fearful To Fearless brings together almost 400 passages of scripture to demonstrate or direct us to not be afraid, to not worry or be anxious, to look to Christ for strength and comfort, and be transformed to have a worshipful fear and awe of God. Each passage is accompanied by a short biblical truth to help provide clarity and encouragement. The account of Jesus calming the storm (Mark 4:35-41) demonstrates Christ's power over nature and His ability to comfort us in the storm. It showcases our need to call on Him in prayer and place our trust and reliance on Him, it was the inspiration for writing Fearful To Fearless. When the disciples cried out suggesting that He didn't care whether they perished or not, Christ showed His disappointment in their lack of faith. For Christ loves us all and wants for none to perish, but for all to have faith and go through the storm with Him. Each time we choose to trust Him in the storm the stronger our faith becomes. But what we also see in this passage is the transformation from being afraid, to having the fear of God. The disciples just witnessed the power that He had over the sea and storm and realized the power that He had over them. They were now in awe, they marveled at what they just observed and were filled with the fear of God, a godly fear of the power and grace of Christ during the calm, a fear of the Lord and all His goodness, a reverent awe that was full of honor and glorifying to Christ.
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Fearful To Fearless

Fearful To Fearless
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