Magica Riot

Out of the closet and into the fire!

The last night of Claire Ryland's old life was pretty normal, aside from the alley fight with interdimensional monsters. Fortunately, the drummer of her favorite local band transformed into a magical girl and saved her.

Then Claire became a magical girl as well. Things got a little complicated after that.

Now Claire is juggling two new lives: living as a girl and as a member of Portland's super-secret supernatural defense squad, the hard-rocking magical girls known as Magica Riot!

Magica Riot

Out of the closet and into the fire!

The last night of Claire Ryland's old life was pretty normal, aside from the alley fight with interdimensional monsters. Fortunately, the drummer of her favorite local band transformed into a magical girl and saved her.

Then Claire became a magical girl as well. Things got a little complicated after that.

Now Claire is juggling two new lives: living as a girl and as a member of Portland's super-secret supernatural defense squad, the hard-rocking magical girls known as Magica Riot!

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Magica Riot

Magica Riot

by Kara Buchanan

Narrated by Emma Martello

Unabridged — 6 hours, 51 minutes

Magica Riot

Magica Riot

by Kara Buchanan

Narrated by Emma Martello

Unabridged — 6 hours, 51 minutes

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Out of the closet and into the fire!

The last night of Claire Ryland's old life was pretty normal, aside from the alley fight with interdimensional monsters. Fortunately, the drummer of her favorite local band transformed into a magical girl and saved her.

Then Claire became a magical girl as well. Things got a little complicated after that.

Now Claire is juggling two new lives: living as a girl and as a member of Portland's super-secret supernatural defense squad, the hard-rocking magical girls known as Magica Riot!

Product Details

BN ID: 2940194625888
Publisher: Kara Buchanan
Publication date: 01/21/2025
Series: Maidensong Magica , #1
Edition description: Unabridged
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