Magical Symbols and Alphabets: A Practitioner's Guide to Spells, Rites, and History
Symbols and Alphabets for Dynamic Magic Witchcraft

Energize your Wiccan or Pagan practice with rich symbol systems and magical alphabets. Discover how astrological symbols, zodiac signs, and the fixed stars can be used to invigorate spells and rituals. Connect with the power of the elements and explore tools like the ogham and other runes for divination and spiritual connection. Learn how to use sigils and esoteric alphabets so you can live more deeply in the powerful magical energy that is all around you.

While you can use symbols to boost the energy of spells and rituals, learning the fullness of their history will help you utilize them for the specific needs we confront today. With hands-on exercises as well as extraordinary insights into each system's history and lore, this book is an irresistible guide to integrating potent symbols into your spiritual practice.

Magical Symbols and Alphabets: A Practitioner's Guide to Spells, Rites, and History
Symbols and Alphabets for Dynamic Magic Witchcraft

Energize your Wiccan or Pagan practice with rich symbol systems and magical alphabets. Discover how astrological symbols, zodiac signs, and the fixed stars can be used to invigorate spells and rituals. Connect with the power of the elements and explore tools like the ogham and other runes for divination and spiritual connection. Learn how to use sigils and esoteric alphabets so you can live more deeply in the powerful magical energy that is all around you.

While you can use symbols to boost the energy of spells and rituals, learning the fullness of their history will help you utilize them for the specific needs we confront today. With hands-on exercises as well as extraordinary insights into each system's history and lore, this book is an irresistible guide to integrating potent symbols into your spiritual practice.

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Magical Symbols and Alphabets: A Practitioner's Guide to Spells, Rites, and History

Magical Symbols and Alphabets: A Practitioner's Guide to Spells, Rites, and History

by Sandra Kynes
Magical Symbols and Alphabets: A Practitioner's Guide to Spells, Rites, and History

Magical Symbols and Alphabets: A Practitioner's Guide to Spells, Rites, and History

by Sandra Kynes


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Symbols and Alphabets for Dynamic Magic Witchcraft

Energize your Wiccan or Pagan practice with rich symbol systems and magical alphabets. Discover how astrological symbols, zodiac signs, and the fixed stars can be used to invigorate spells and rituals. Connect with the power of the elements and explore tools like the ogham and other runes for divination and spiritual connection. Learn how to use sigils and esoteric alphabets so you can live more deeply in the powerful magical energy that is all around you.

While you can use symbols to boost the energy of spells and rituals, learning the fullness of their history will help you utilize them for the specific needs we confront today. With hands-on exercises as well as extraordinary insights into each system's history and lore, this book is an irresistible guide to integrating potent symbols into your spiritual practice.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780738761923
Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.
Publication date: 03/08/2020
Pages: 288
Sales rank: 614,408
Product dimensions: 7.40(w) x 9.20(h) x 0.70(d)

About the Author

Sandra Kynes (Mid-coast Maine) is a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids and the author of nineteen books, including Star Magic, Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences, Mixing Essential Oils for Magic, and Sea Magic. Additionally, her work has been featured in Utne Reader, The Portal, and Circle Magazine. Sandra's writing also appears regularly in Llewellyn's popular almanacs and datebooks. Visit her at

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Part 1 Astrological Symbols

Chapter 1 Distant Roots 7

The Return to Europe 9

Chapter 2 The Planets 13

Planetary Hours 15

Working with the Planets 17

Chapter 3 The Zodiac Constellations 29

Twelve or Thirteen for Magic? 29

Working with the Constellations 30

Part 2 The Elements

Chapter 4 The Philosophy of the Elements 49

The Root of Existence 50

The Elementals and Alchemy 52

Chapter 5 The Elements and Self-Knowledge 57

The Earth Archetype 58

The Water Archetype 59

The Air Archetype 59

The Fire Archetype 60

Chapter 6 The Elements in Ritual and Magic 63

Elements Meditation 63

The Symbols in Magic 65

Elemental Beings 68

Part 3 The Fifteen Fixed Stars

Chapter 7 Special Stars 73

Using the Stars in Magic 75

Drawing Down the Power of Stars 76

Chapter 8 Working with the Fifteen Fixed Stars 79

Ala Corvi 79

Aldebaran 81

Algol 82

Alphecca 83

Antares 84

Arcturus 85

Capella 87

Deneb Algedi 88

The Pleiades 89

Polaris 90

Procyon 91

Regulus 92

Sirius 93

Spica 95

Vega 96

Part 4 The Ogham

Chapter 9 Origin Theories, Inscriptions, and Languages 99

Ogham Inscriptions 100

The Languages of the Ogham 101

Writing and Using the Ogham 103

Chapter 10 The Ogham in Magic 105

Ogham Staves and Divination 109

Ogham Divination 110

Chapter 11 Working with the Original Twenty Ogham 111

Ailm / Ailim 112

Beith / Beithe / Beth 113

Coll / Call 114

Duir / Dair 115

Edad / Eadha / Eadhadh 116

Fearn / Fern 117

Gort 118

Huath / hÚath / Uath 119

Ioho / Idho / Iodho / Iodahdh 120

Luis 121

Muin / Muinn 122

Ngetal / nGétal / Gétal / nGéadal 123

Nion / Nuin / Nuinn 124

Onn / Ohn 125

Quert / Ceirt 126

Ruis 127

Saille / Saile 128

Straif / Straith 129

Tinne / Teine 130

Ur / Uhr / Ura 131

Chapter 12 Working with the Forfeda 133

Amhancholl / Eamancholl / Emancoll / Mór 133

Ebad / Éabhadh / also Koad / Grove 134

Ifin / Iphin 135

Oir / Or 136

Uilleann / Uilen / Uilleand 136

Peith / Pethboc / Pethbol 137

Phagos 138

Part 5 The Runes

Chapter 13 Runic Beginnings 141

Runic Inscriptions 142

The Runic Alphabets 143

The Dotted Runes 146

The Anglo-Saxon Runes 147

The Runes Rediscovered 149

Chapter 14 Runes for Magic and Guidance 151

Twenty-First Century Runic Magic 152

Runes for Guidance 157

Chapter 15 Working with the Elder and Younger Futhark 159

Algiz 160

Ansuz 161

Berkanan 162

Dagaz 163

Ehwaz 164

Fehu 165

Gebo 166

Hagalaz 167

Ingwaz 168

Isa 169

Iwaz 170

Jera 171

Kenaz 172

Laguz 173

Mannaz 174

Naudiz 175

Opila 176

Perp 177

Raido 178

Sowilo 179

Thurisaz 180

Tiwaz 181

Uruz 182

Wunjo 183

Chapter 16 Working with Runes Unique to the Younger and Anglo-Saxon Futharks 185

Ac 185

Aesc 186

AT 187

Calc 187

Cweorb 188

Ear 189

Gar 189

Ior 190

Stan 190

Yr 191

Part 6 Sigils

Chapter 17 Sigils from Magic Squares 195

From Square to Sigil 197

Chapter 18 Sigils from Words 201

Creating a Sigil 202

Activating a Sigil 204

To Destroy or Not? 205

Chapter 19 Spare's Pictorial Method 207

Combining Spare's Methods 208

Incorporating Magical Symbols 209

Chapter 20 New Methods and Further Uses 213

Back to Lo Shu 213

The Alphabet Magic Square 215

From Square to Circle and Keyboard 217

Other Ways to Use Sigils 220

Part 7 The Witches' Alphabet and Other Magical Scripts

Chapter 21 The Witches' Alphabet 227

Revival and New Life for the Alphabet 229

The Witches' Alphabet in the Twenty-First Century 230

Chapter 22 Three Other Magical Alphabets 233

The Malachim Alphabet 234

The Celestial Alphabet 236

Crossing the River Alphabet 237

Chapter 23 Paracelsus, John Dee, and Magical Alphabets 241

The Alphabet of the Magi 241

The Enochian Alphabet 243

Summary 249

Bibliography 251

Index 263

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