Money, Manifestation & Miracles: A Guide to Transforming Women's Relationships with Money
280Money, Manifestation & Miracles: A Guide to Transforming Women's Relationships with Money
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Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9781608685219 |
Publisher: | New World Library |
Publication date: | 03/06/2018 |
Pages: | 280 |
Sales rank: | 1,087,151 |
Product dimensions: | 5.50(w) x 8.50(h) x (d) |
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IntroductionI believe that there are no coincidences in life. Everything unfolds at the precise moment and at the right time.Likewise, it is no coincidence that I felt guided to write this book to help women embrace and leverage money and business as a powerful vehicle for creating positive social change and impact in the world.It is also no coincidence that this book has come into your life at this time. You are likely ready to align your talents and passion with your purpose and the meaningful contribution you want to make. You are also likely ready to take action to reach financial prosperity and success while fulfilling your social promise in the world.Social promise is about doing well while doing well in business. It includes a dual goal of combining profits with a mission to better society. Fulfilling your social promise can be expressed in many ways, such as giving back locally or globally to worthy causes and issues you most care about.Your social promise provides a strong connection and motivation for aligning your purpose and passion with service and contribution. Your contributions to others as a result of your entrepreneurial activities will not only allow you to change lives; it will in turn deeply enrich your life—as well as your bottom line—beyond your wildest dreams.Let me ask you this:What if you truly believed in your own magnificence and power to step into your greatness to realize your highest potential?What if you had the courage to stretch your limits and create a life of your dreams that is rich and fulfilling in every way—financially, spiritually and at a heart and soul level?What if you had the tools to create a thriving six- and seven-figure business that allows you to realize financial freedom, an incredible lifestyle and make a meaningful difference?What if I told you that experiencing this exceptional level and more is possible to achieve once you gain a deeper understanding of—and take action on—transforming your unique relationship with money?You have a unique relationship with money. You may be thinking, "How can I have a relationship with money, when money is an inanimate object?" Like it or not, you are in a relationship with anything that preoccupies your time, thoughts and actions, as is the case with money. In fact, the longest relationship that you will have in life is firstly the relationship you have with yourself, and secondly, the relationship you have with money.The reality is that money is vital in the world in order to survive, thrive and live a quality life. Money impacts every area of your daily existence and affects the decisions you make in your business and life. In addition, money and profits are crucial to any business because without it, you cease to exist as a viable enterprise. You also miss the opportunity of sharing your talents, reaching and helping many people and creating a ripple effect while making a meaningful difference.As such, taking action to transform your relationship with money is critical. It is the first step and starting point for achieving wealth and prosperity, as well as for tapping into your innermost dreams and desires.While both women and men can benefit from reading this book, I wrote it primarily with female entrepreneurs, business owners and leaders in mind. This book is for ambitious women who want to achieve significant income, satisfaction and success in their business and life in order to achieve a much bigger vision, mission and social impact.Whether you are new in business, transitioning from the corporate to the entrepreneurial, or you have been in business for a while, this book will help you address any internal obstacles or emotional blocks (see discussions in Chapters 8, 9, and 10) you may have regarding money so you can attain financial prosperity and success to fuel your life, business and social promise.There has never been a better time for women to take control of our financial independence. As a woman entrepreneur, you have an exciting opportunity to fully step into your role as CEO and leader of your business and life with no apologies.Women are starting their own businesses at a more rapid rate than ever before. In fact, Forbes Magazine refers to entrepreneurship as the new "Women's Movement." Many women are leaving their corporate jobs to experience greater freedom and flexibility, a more meaningful way to make a difference, and to take control of their income and livelihoods.Yet, despite these positive advancements, there's stillroom for more improvements. For example, while the number of female-owned U.S. businesses is growing 1.5 times faster than the national average, a 2013 report found that businesses owned by women are still contributing less than 4 percent of overall business revenues, which is about the same as it was back in 2007.Furthermore, in the U.S. only a small percentage—12% of women-owned businesses—earn six-figures a year, while just under 2% of them generate seven-figures a year.
What Holds Women Back?Working with my clients, I have identified three main reasons why women are not doing as well as they could be. The first reason is that their self-confidence does not match their skill level. Despite their accomplishments, talents, and expertise, I have found that a large number of women still question whether they are truly good enough, smart enough and worthy enough.In fact, I have witnessed that many women of all ages, educational backgrounds and income levels privately struggle with valuing themselves and their worth. This in turn can affect their results and ability to get to the next level of their business or career.The second reason is similar to what Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg found: Women hesitate to 'lean in'. I've found that women experience a disconnect between:• What they've accomplished and their level of self-confidence;• What they really want and what they settle for;• Valuing what they do and valuing their self- worth; and• The determination they show on the outside and the fear and doubt they feel about themselves on the inside.Another factor holding women back is that creating momentum in their business is not happening. This is usually because they are not earning the kind of income or revenue that matches their skill set and potential.As a women's prosperity expert, I encounter many intelligent, accomplished, talented and motivated female entrepreneurs who are visionary change makers. They want to make a significant contribution in the world and be richly rewarded for the value they provide in changing lives. Deep inside, these ambitious and goal-oriented women want to make a sizable income, have a great impact and achieve outstanding success. This is inspiring and admirable.However, what many actually experience in reality is the opposite. Thus, high-achieving women entrepreneurs and business owners at various income levels and stages in their business seek my help mainly because they want income growth. They are frustrated with their earnings, as it doesn't match the bigger vision they have of their potential. Their income also doesn't allow them to fund their dreams and social mission, movement or legacy that they want to make and have in the world.Some of the challenges these business women face include:• Struggling to break through to the next income level;• Feeling anxious about not being able to achieve and exceed their past corporate salary;Or:• They find that no matter how hard they work they are still stuck with the same income.These challenges puzzled and fascinated me. At first it was not obvious what might be going on. What was holding these otherwise successful women back from making a meaningful difference by doing what they love? Through my training and experience in the area of women and money, as well as my own personal journey with money, I finally realized what the root cause of this issue is.My experience and research shows that what holds many women back from making the kind of income they desire and deserve has little to do with their intelligence, motivation or spirit—but it has much to do with their relationship to money. That was the missing piece of the puzzle. I realized that somehow these women were giving away their personal power regarding money. This included engaging in self- sabotaging actions that led them to experience money- related stress and anxiety, which impacted on their results.One way to address these obstacles is by connecting money to your emotions. The most profound and lasting solutions to the challenges you face can be found by looking within. I've found that keeping a journal enables me to do so; hence I also ask my clients to regularly chronicle their emotions and experiences in a journal, which often produces clarity and insights. It's easier to notice external signs of self-sabotage or fear, as they will show up as lack of income, failure to progress and lack of opportunity.However, it is important to understand that these external obstacles are simply symptoms of what is really "running the show":your unconscious feelings and emotions regarding money. These symptoms form the basis of your internal obstacles.Since emotions come from within, they are generally harder to recognize on the outside, as well as harder to overcome. Therefore, it can keep you from having what you really want and enjoying it once you have attained it. In truth, your thoughts and feelings about money are critical factors in determining how much you will actually make and keep in your life. In other words, your emotional state will ultimately determine your financial state.In this book you will read stories of generous, talented women and their relationships with money. For reasons of privacy and confidentiality, the stories are a compilation of client histories and experiences that uses fictitious names. I included these anecdotes because they are relatable and inspirational. More importantly, these accounts can open up your awareness to the possibilities of the power that transpires when you transform your own relationship with money, so you can reap the rewards of true happiness and abundance.Why I Wrote This BookWhen women are empowered with money, they become "difference makers." They create better lives for themselves and their families, give back, contribute to the economy, change the world and transform lives.Money is emotional currency for women. Plain and simple. Money is tied to our sense of self-worth and self-confidence, and our feelings of safety and security, especially for women. These emotions can often turn into self-limiting decisions. And the effect can be profound—in terms of either moving you forward or keeping you stuck.Research has shown that people make approximately six decisions a day regarding money alone. Since dealing with money is a daily experience, you can clearly see that your relationship with money plays a decisive, major role in your success as a business owner. In fact, your intimate, ongoing relationship with money determines whether you will prosper or struggle in your business and life. If your relationship with money is left unexamined, it can keep you stuck, experiencing a cycle of money drama that act as a barrier to realizing your full potential, purpose and mission in life.My own journey with money has taken me from being a young single mother living from paycheck to paycheck, to becoming an award-winning corporate executive and a successful global entrepreneur. I share the details of my own journey with money to let you know that whatever your past or current challenges have been—or are—with money, they don't define who you are or control your future. You are in charge of your destiny. You can make powerful choices and decisions at this moment to start to create the life you desire.You have a mission to fulfill in this lifetime that is meant only for you. That mission is to make a difference in your own unique way. This may include changing the lives of others for the better. You are meant to fill a place that only you can fill. You are meant to make an impact that only you can bring about.Perhaps you're like me and did not start out with the intention of becoming an entrepreneur. You've experienced a high level of success in the corporate arena or in another industry. Yet you felt a constant inner restlessness and calling to do, be and have more. If this is the case, then you are a visionary change maker and you must not settle for less. You want to make a significant impact and be richly rewarded for doing what you love. There is nothing wrong with wanting or asking for more. The sooner you empower your relationship with money, the more easily you will be able to take bold actions because the world needs your gifts, the messages you have to share, and then the differences you can make will unfold naturally.The first edition of the book was so well received; I have updated the book in this second edition to focus on awakening heart-centered women in business, like you, and others around the globe. This book will help you become empowered financially so you can create a successful business and leverage it to fulfill your social promise in the world, thereby making this a much better place for all of us.I believe in you—now let's get started!
Chapter 1: Setting You Up for SuccessBegin with the end in mind.— Steven R. CoveyBecoming a successful entrepreneur takes courage, passion, ambition and persistence. In order to grow a thriving and profitable business, it is important to set yourself up for success right from the start. This includes first building a strong foundation regarding your relationship with money, as well as understanding the deeper meaning that money holds for you. Building a solid foundation can help you accelerate your path to attaining your dreams.Imagine The PossibilitiesIt is truly rewarding for me to help my clients create healthy, harmonious and abundant relationships with money. The initial, first phase of our work together is to empower and improve their relationship with money. Once these clients have overcome and healed any limiting beliefs and internal obstacles with money (see discussions in chapters 7, 8, 9 and 10), we then focus on the second phase of creating their successful six- and seven-figure business and ideal lifestyle, including identifying the social impact they want to make. The final and third phase is helping them to fulfill their social promise in the world (see diagram 1 below).I have witnessed over and over again that when my clients let go of their limiting beliefs, emotional blocks and self-sabotaging actions regarding money, they become unstoppable in achieving financial prosperity, while doing what they love and making a positive impact on society. This book focuses primarily on the first phase of empowering your relationship with money.Timeless TruthsIt's important to move beyond the dictionary definition of money as a "measure of value or a means of payment" and instead to "pull back the curtains," in order to gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of money. This comprehension can lead you to a new perspective regarding money that can pave the way for manifesting your desired reality. I've discovered some essential truths about money in the last twenty years for myself and my clients and these are my findings:The first essential truth is that money is a uniquely human creation, just like language is a human creation. It doesn't exist in nature or in the animal kingdom. The first form of money was used as early as 3000 B.C. For centuries, humankind has conferred value and power onto money. Yet, money as an object has no value. It may as well be the artificial currency used in playing the board game Monopoly. However, in the game of life, the belief in and meaning we assign to money is really what gives it such importance, prominence, power and emotional value in our lives. This has led to money becoming its own force.The second essential truth is that money is a form of energy. Everything in the Universe is in the form of energy. We are surrounded by energy; it's infinite and must flow. In the visible world, objects appear solid. For example, if you were to hold something in your hand, although it appears to be solid, the object is actually made up of tiny particles of energy. Our entire biological system—including all of the cells in our body—rely upon energy. Without energy, there is no life. There are other forms of energy that exist, such as time and the energy expended by physical activities like swimming, jogging, etc. The connection of money to time and physical energy is through their exchange. That old expression "time is money" and "money is time" relates to the exchange of money for your time and effort. By viewing money as energy and understanding that energy is infinite, money and energy are, therefore, infinite. As such, the flow of money is infinite.The third essential truth is that money is a form of love. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. It magnifies all of the positive qualities of life, such as: Kindness, faith, hope, generosity, joy, well-being, patience, forgiveness, compassion, peace, courage, happiness, friendship and more.Connecting money with love opens up tremendous possibilities for joy because you are the source of all your prosperity and wealth. Money is one way that you take care of yourself and others. Money can be used as a way to concretely show your love, nurturing and appreciation. As women, we feel a sense of gratification when we can share what we have and help someone or others in need. There is a tremendous positive domino effect that occurs when women are empowered with money because this ripple effect can be profound. They help their families and communities, while contributing to the economy and beyond.An essential aspect for women is to give in a way that is balanced, so that over-giving to the point of sacrificing can be avoided. You can also use money to care for yourself and demonstrate self-love. A key way to do this is to have the mindset that prosperity begins with you. At a fundamental level, feeling good about yourself and what you have in your life is crucial. Self-love is the foundation and entryway to being at your best and most powerful self.Self-love is a deep appreciation of who you are right now. It is not about loving yourself at some future date when you earn a higher income in your business, or lose weight, or have more confidence, or find the right partner, or have more money in the bank, or many other conditions that you may place on yourself in order to feel worthy. Self-love includes accepting all and every part of you. Yes, every part, all the good—your talents, strengths, beauty, wisdom and many more qualities—as well as the not-so-good, those imperfections and faults we all possess. When you are committed to loving yourself, a positive flow occurs. You will make better choices, be happier and you can attract the right circumstances for prosperity and abundance.The fourth essential truth is that money is a catalyst for your personal growth. As entrepreneur and author Jim Rohn once said, "After you become a millionaire, you can give all of your money away because what's important is not the million dollars; what's important is the person you have become in the process of becoming a millionaire."Mastering money and abundance is a wonderful journey of growth and enlightenment. You can become the best and highest version of yourself in the process. It's important to understand that creating money is more than creating money in your business and life. When you understand the concept of wealth creation, you essentially hold the keys to abundance and can create money, regardless of the state of the economy. This means that you can become your most powerful self and are in full control of creating the prosperity and abundance that you desire in your life. Money is a tool for aliveness and growth. This understanding can also help you let go of residual anxiety, guilt, and fear regarding money.The fifth essential truth is that money is part of your spiritual purpose. I have found that many women entrepreneurs who are soulful often feel conflicted about generating more money in their business. They often say, "It is not about the money. I just want to help people and make a difference." Does this ring true for you? On the one hand, this is admirable, while on the other hand, it is a misconception.In fact, here is the irony of this situation: It is far more difficult to help and reach many people when you are poor and have no money. However, you have an opportunity to help and reach many, many people and can do more good in the world when you have money, which provides you with the practical means to do so. Therefore, the more money you can make, the more you can help others, be of service, create a bigger impact and fulfill your soul's purpose.In other words, let your prosperity and wealth reflect the amount of good you contribute to the world. Poverty is not a spiritual or higher state of being, nor does suffering exalt the soul. Money is often required to accomplish your life's work. A wonderful flow is available to you as your spiritual growth increases, along with your ability to manifest wealth and abundance. In turn this will assist you in getting your gifts and work out into the world.Since money is part of your spiritual purpose, you can use it as the vehicle that will help you to fully express yourself in your business and realize your full potential and higher purpose. And since you have a big mission, money is the tool that will help you accomplish your important work in the world, including transforming lives.Chapter 1 Summary
• In order to grow your thriving and profitable business, it is important to first build a strong foundation regarding your relationship with money. This can help you accelerate your path to success.• Money is a uniquely manmade creation, yet collectively as a society, we have infused it with a powerful force of its own.• Everything in the Universe, including money, is a form of energy. Energy is infinite and must flow. Therefore, money is infinite and it must flow.• Connecting money with love opens up tremendous possibilities for joy. Money can be used as a way to concretely demonstrate your love, nurturing and appreciation.• There is a tremendous positive ripple effect that occurs when women are empowered; there is no limit to its impact. You can take care of yourself and your family, help your community, contribute to the economy and the world.• Mastering money and abundance is a powerful catalyst and journey of personal growth. You can become the best and highest version of yourself in the process.• You can be rich and spiritual at the same time. There is no need to choose. Let your prosperity and wealth be based on the amount of good you contribute to the world.• It is not spiritual or nobler to be poor, for money is often required to accomplish your life's work.
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction 1Setting You Up for Success 13My Money Journey and Lessons 23Women and Money 41Discover Your Financial Starting Point 55Manifesting Financial Prosperity 65Transforming Your Relationship with Money 75Holistic Principle 1 - Self-Knowledge Leads to Clarity and Alignment 89Holistic Principle 2 - Your Mindset Matters Most 111Holistic Principle 3 - Healing Your Emotions with Money 127Principle 4 - Confidently Express Yourself 157Holistic Principle 5 - Create Your Lasting Impact 173Holistic Principle 6 - Improve Your Money Habits and Actions 197Principle 7 - Empower Your Growth 219Holistic Principle 8 - Focus on Achieving Results 237Conclusion 249References 259What People are Saying About This
“Money, Manifestation & Miracles will bring you clarity, inspiration, and a new perspective on your life’s purpose. In this no-fluff book, Meriflor Toneatto empowers us to step into our full potential and shows us that we don’t have to choose between spirituality and success, and that passion and profit go hand in hand.” — Christine Hassler, bestselling author of 20 Something, 20 Everything and host of Over It & On With It podcast “A wonderful primer on how to think about and achieve true wealth. If your inner thoughts about money are keeping you stuck, this book provides the spiritual and emotional tools you need to adjust your beliefs so you are free to create the life of your dreams.” — Sam Bennett, bestselling author of Get It Done and CEO of the Organized Artist Company “A profound and valuable guide to empowering women financially, showing them how to create a tremendous impact on the world while substantially increasing their income.” — Barbara Stanny, author of Sacred Success: A Course in Financial Miracles “The right book at the right time can change your life. Money, Manifestation & Miracles is the right book at the right time for a great many people, both women and men. So many of us have been conflicted about money, consciously and subconsciously, and it has prevented us from realizing our full potential and fully realizing our dreams. This book gets to the core of the problem and clearly shows us, step-by-step, how to truly transform our lives not only financially but spiritually and emotionally as well. Meriflor Toneatto’s work as a coach and speaker has already changed countless people’s lives, and now her book will reach many more. Prepare yourself for some truly remarkable results!” — Marc Allen, author of Visionary Business and The Magical Path “We all need assistance in those areas of our lives that challenge us, and finances are one area where a valuable step-by-step guide for transforming and empowering women’s relationships with money is needed. Money, Manifestation & Miracles is that valuable tool that will assist you in transforming your money stress into financial security. A must-read!” — Kristine Carlson, New York Times–bestselling author of Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Women and coauthor (with Richard Carlson) of Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff in Love “You can be both spiritual and rich! Money, Manifestation & Miracles encourages readers to get over limiting beliefs about money and offers tools to get on with being a ‘difference maker’ and a force for good in the world.” — Cara Bradley, author of On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine “Money, Manifestation & Miracles has arrived at the perfect time for women in every stage of life. Whether you are a business owner, a stay-at-home mom, or a corporate executive, Meriflor Toneatto’s principles will help you get aligned for financial success.” — Joy Chudacoff, author of What’s Next?: The 7 Steps to Discover Your Big Idea and Create a Wildly Successful Business “Meriflor Toneatto shows the dynamic energy exchange between money and soul, spirituality and wealth. To be spiritual and rich at the same time is the core of her message. This book is a catalyst for personal growth and transformation — capturing all the essentials of wealth creation.” — Tania Gabrielle, wealth astro-numerologist “This book shows women how they can be financially independent, flourish in their business and life, and make a big difference in the world socially. Meriflor Toneatto’s authenticity and experience help women through the major emotional pitfalls of money. This is a must-read for any woman who wants to move forward past financially limiting beliefs and into a world of financial prosperity.” — Ruth Klein, author of Time Management Secrets for Working Women “We are physical beings in a physical universe. Meriflor Toneatto explains that money is the interface between this fact and our as-yet-unmanifest potential. She encourages us to face the fears and doubts that limit our ability to fully realize our immense potential. As a woman, an entrepreneur, an educator, and a coach, I recommend that you read and nourishingly put into action the steps in Meriflor’s book.” — Linda J. Page, PhD, coauthor (with David Rock) of Coaching with the Brain in Mind: Foundations for Practice “This book takes you on a deeply personal and insightful journey into how you can create a new, empowering relationship with money — and a rich and soul-fulfilling business at the same time. A must-read for every woman.” — Kendall SummerHawk, money, marketing, and soul coach