My Neighbors Don't Look Like Me
John and Eric become fast friends when Eric and his family move next door to John and his family. John is white and Eric is black. They are the same age with the same birthday and are in the same class. On the first day of school, Mrs. Shaw, the teacher, does a science lesson using soil and snowflakes to highlight the importance of these things as it relates to skin color.
My Neighbors Don't Look Like Me
John and Eric become fast friends when Eric and his family move next door to John and his family. John is white and Eric is black. They are the same age with the same birthday and are in the same class. On the first day of school, Mrs. Shaw, the teacher, does a science lesson using soil and snowflakes to highlight the importance of these things as it relates to skin color.
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My Neighbors Don't Look Like Me

My Neighbors Don't Look Like Me

by LaQuita Parks, Anthony Wallace

Narrated by Kalina Loncke

Unabridged — 6 minutes

My Neighbors Don't Look Like Me

My Neighbors Don't Look Like Me

by LaQuita Parks, Anthony Wallace

Narrated by Kalina Loncke

Unabridged — 6 minutes

Audiobook (Digital)

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John and Eric become fast friends when Eric and his family move next door to John and his family. John is white and Eric is black. They are the same age with the same birthday and are in the same class. On the first day of school, Mrs. Shaw, the teacher, does a science lesson using soil and snowflakes to highlight the importance of these things as it relates to skin color.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940175966054
Publisher: Pa-Pro-Vi Publishing
Publication date: 06/22/2022
Edition description: Unabridged
Age Range: 8 - 11 Years
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