Autumn: great season, or GREATEST season? It’s more than the candy corn, unholy latte hybrids, and pleasure of taking your favorite sweaters out of storage. There’s something in the air right now, a chilly undertone that half makes you want to run around in the brisk, and half makes you want to hide indoors with […]
Nothing earns the phrase “highly anticipated” like a sequel to a really great book, a promise to spend more time with the characters and worldbuilding into which you’ve already dug so deep and never want to emerge. The wait between a book and its follow-up can be totally excruciating, but here are twelve books whose […]
I’m a sucker for weird YA, vivid world-building, powerful girls, uncanny boys, enchanted objects, lush imagery, monsters with human faces, and the thin places between the mundane and the magic, so next year’s crop of fresh fantasy has me lying atop my pile of books like Smaug on his hoard. 2016 will herald the close of irresistible series from authors […]
Staying in with a good book may not be the first thing most people think of doing on Saint Patrick’s Day. But if drinking your weight in shamrock shakes isn’t your thing, we are pleased to inform you reading is a perfectly acceptable alternative (and one much less likely to end in a puddle of […]
Graduation, whether you’re exiting high school, college, graduate school, or even kindergarten, can be an emotionally confusing time. Moving forward, after all, always means leaving something behind. It can be exciting to envision a new future for yourself, even as it can be painful to think of what that future will mean giving up. Luckily […]