In this delightful debut by a talented husband-and-wife team, Mo Romero is a zombie with a deep, dark secret...
Mo Romero is a zombie who loves nothing more than growing, cooking, and eating vegetables. Tomatoes? Tantalizing. Peppers? Pure perfection! The problem? Mo's parents insist that their niño eat only zombie cuisine, like arm-panadas and finger foods. They tell Mo over and over that zombies don't eat veggies. But Mo can't imagine a lifetime of just eating zombie food and giving up his veggies. As he questions his own zombie identity, Mo tries his best to convince his parents to give peas a chance.
Super duo Megan and Jorge Lacera make their picture-book debut with this sweet story about family, self-discovery, and the power of acceptance. It's a delectable tale that zombie and nonzombie fans alike will devour.
In this delightful debut by a talented husband-and-wife team, Mo Romero is a zombie with a deep, dark secret...
Mo Romero is a zombie who loves nothing more than growing, cooking, and eating vegetables. Tomatoes? Tantalizing. Peppers? Pure perfection! The problem? Mo's parents insist that their niño eat only zombie cuisine, like arm-panadas and finger foods. They tell Mo over and over that zombies don't eat veggies. But Mo can't imagine a lifetime of just eating zombie food and giving up his veggies. As he questions his own zombie identity, Mo tries his best to convince his parents to give peas a chance.
Super duo Megan and Jorge Lacera make their picture-book debut with this sweet story about family, self-discovery, and the power of acceptance. It's a delectable tale that zombie and nonzombie fans alike will devour.
Zombies Don't Eat Veggies
40Zombies Don't Eat Veggies
40Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9781620147948 |
Publisher: | Lee & Low Books |
Publication date: | 04/02/2019 |
Pages: | 40 |
Sales rank: | 182,614 |
Product dimensions: | 9.90(w) x 9.90(h) x 0.40(d) |
Lexile: | AD460L (what's this?) |
Age Range: | 4 - 8 Years |