B&N Reads, Childrens YA Book Awards, Fantasy, Guest Post, YA

A Dream Come True: A Guest Post by Lauren Roberts

Congratulations to the YA Winner of the 2024 B&N Children’s and YA Book Awards! Lauren Roberts never planned on writing a book (much less the start to an immersive fantasy series) but we’re so glad she did. Hear from Lauren on how this passion project came to be, down below. Can’t wait for the release of Reckless? Check out Powerful, Lauren’s latest novella.


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By Lauren Roberts

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What does it really mean to be exceptional? Do not sleep on this story of haves vs have-nots and epic romance. (Best part: it’s the start of a new series).

What does it really mean to be exceptional? Do not sleep on this story of haves vs have-nots and epic romance. (Best part: it’s the start of a new series).

Writing a book was certainly not on my agenda as an 18-year-old juggling college classes and the job she was consistently late for afterwards. Despite my passion for writing, I had resigned myself to a life of reading about other worlds rather than creating my own. But the trajectory of my life changed with a single shower thought: I wanted to write a story about a girl who was surrounded by abilities, and yet, did not have one of her own. She was not the chosen one. Not the most powerful. And yet, there was a certain strength within that story which could not be ignored.

The idea quickly blossomed into a project, which then slithered its way into my every thought until Powerless was the very air I breathed. I spent each waking moment plotting and researching how one creates something so tangible (a story that imbeds itself into the depths of your soul) from nothing at all (my inexperienced mind that knew little more than the English classes I had taken). The two weeks following that inciting moment in the shower were spent developing characters, digesting countless YouTube tutorials on outlining, and most difficult of all, keeping my mouth shut about the whole thing. I couldn’t bear the thought of proclaiming my passion to the world only for it to inevitably be nothing more than a pipe dream. So, I kept quiet, kept my head down, and determined to see this story through.

Before long, I had in-depth character sketches and a crude map of the world they lived in. The plot fell into place rather quickly after shoving all my favorite things about fantasy and romance into it. And suddenly, there was nothing left to do but write. Words spilled onto the page, most of which were typed deliriously as the sun began to rise. Then I would do it all over again—wake, college classes, work, study, write, repeat.

After surpassing chapter twelve, I knew there was no turning back. I then broke the news to my family, my friends, and any one on the internet who cared enough to follow along on the journey. Even then, this book was for myself, and the dream I’d suppressed inside me. I compiled everything I loved into this story, right down to the bantering love interests and deadly Trials.

Pieces of my 18-year-old self are forever embedded into Powerless, for better or for worse. Determination lies between the lines of most pages while self-doubt sits amongst the others. It took three months of pouring my soul into this story before I typed the final word in my childhood bedroom at exactly 2:14am. This book, and the series to come, will always hold a special place in my heart. They remain as they are—a passion embodied, a mosaic of resilience, and a dream come true.