Battle of the Butts: The Science Behind Animal Behinds
Did you know manatees swim using farts? Or that herrings communicate by passing gas?

Butts are used for breathing, eating, swimming, talking, and even killing in the animal kingdom. Focusing on ten different animals and their derrières, and offering fun facts about their origin, habitat, and "posterior power," this hilarious book captures the wonder of our ecosystem. Which animal has the coolest butt power? That's up to you to decide! 

An MASL Dogwood Reader's Award Title
Towner Award Winner

2024 Texas Topaz Nonfiction Reading List Selection
Battle of the Butts: The Science Behind Animal Behinds
Did you know manatees swim using farts? Or that herrings communicate by passing gas?

Butts are used for breathing, eating, swimming, talking, and even killing in the animal kingdom. Focusing on ten different animals and their derrières, and offering fun facts about their origin, habitat, and "posterior power," this hilarious book captures the wonder of our ecosystem. Which animal has the coolest butt power? That's up to you to decide! 

An MASL Dogwood Reader's Award Title
Towner Award Winner

2024 Texas Topaz Nonfiction Reading List Selection
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Battle of the Butts: The Science Behind Animal Behinds

Battle of the Butts: The Science Behind Animal Behinds

Battle of the Butts: The Science Behind Animal Behinds

Battle of the Butts: The Science Behind Animal Behinds


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Did you know manatees swim using farts? Or that herrings communicate by passing gas?

Butts are used for breathing, eating, swimming, talking, and even killing in the animal kingdom. Focusing on ten different animals and their derrières, and offering fun facts about their origin, habitat, and "posterior power," this hilarious book captures the wonder of our ecosystem. Which animal has the coolest butt power? That's up to you to decide! 

An MASL Dogwood Reader's Award Title
Towner Award Winner

2024 Texas Topaz Nonfiction Reading List Selection

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780762497775
Publisher: Running Press Book Publishers
Publication date: 11/02/2021
Pages: 48
Product dimensions: 9.70(w) x 11.20(h) x 0.40(d)
Age Range: 4 - 8 Years

About the Author

Jocelyn Rish is a writer and filmmaker who never imagined her cheeky sense of humor would lead to a book about animal butts. When she's not researching fanny facts, she tutors kids to help them discover the magic of reading. Jocelyn has won numerous awards for her short stories, screenplays, short films, and novels and lives in South Carolina with her booty-ful dogs.

David Creighton-Pester
is an illustrator and designer from Hamilton, New Zealand. Inspired as a child by picture books, animation, and all things arty, he spent endless hours drawing crazy characters and coming up with silly stories. And still does now! David is also the owner of Scorch Design, a graphic design company he started in 2009. You can see more of his illustration work at
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