"One would think that a film as popular as Better Off Dead would receive decent treatment on the DVD. Sadly, that is not the case. The highlight (if it can be called that) of this disc is the image, which is anamorphic and framed at the original theatrical aspect ratio of 1.85:1. The picture, for the most part, is quite good, and unquestionably the best this film has seen since its days at the theaters. Still, there are times when detail is an issue. Grain is also evident sporadically throughout the presentation. It's not enough to ruin the effect of the digital transfer, but could have used a little more clean-up. The sound has not been significantly altered from when it was released in 1985. All that is included is an English two-channel stereo soundtrack. Though dialogue is clear and distortion free, it's also rather unimaginative. There is little question though in what's truly the main disappointment with this disc, and that's the supplemental features. A disappointment because they are non-existent. There is nothing on this disc, including the obligatory trailer. It's a shame since the film has gathered such a cult following over the years that something couldn't have been put together to please the fans that have stuck by this small, but very funny, film."