Reportedly at the request of Marion Davies herself, Bing Crosby was borrowed from Paramount for the MGM Davies vehicle Going Hollywood. Der Bingle plays a struggling crooner who falls in love with Davies, a French teacher in a girl's school. He rises to fame and fortune in Hollywood, leaving Davies behind. She trails after him and becomes a movie star in her own right, supplanting Crosby's current vis-a-vis, the seductive Fifi D'Orsay. Hero and heroine are reunited in a lyrical finale. Some of the best moments in Going Hollywood belong to Patsy Kelly, making her movie debut as Davies' wisecracking chum, and to the Radio Rogues, a comedy singing act specializing in impressions of contemporary radio celebrities. As was his wont, publisher William Randolph Hearst, Marion Davies' very good friend, was present throughout the filming, making it difficult indeed for Bing Crosby to "lose himself" in the kissing scenes. The gloriously oversized production numbers include "Temptation" (given an astoundingly seductive rendition by a worldly Bing Crosby) and the high-kickin' title song.