The story begins with Giant Declan and his friends, finding an old Kraftwerk record, in a rubbish heap. By assembling various components from the junkyard the friends are able to play the record and inadvertently summon the voice of an abandoned robot. To their surprise, they manage to help the robot "Newtral" while finding inner strength, and new abilities. With the robot's help they scan the rubbish in hopes of finding the artefacts to help the dancing robot, recover. Their new friend also helps them search for a candy treasure with a magic pearl. They need to quickly find the treasure and extract the pearl to save "Newtral" who is running dangerously low on power.
The story begins with Giant Declan and his friends, finding an old Kraftwerk record, in a rubbish heap. By assembling various components from the junkyard the friends are able to play the record and inadvertently summon the voice of an abandoned robot. To their surprise, they manage to help the robot "Newtral" while finding inner strength, and new abilities. With the robot's help they scan the rubbish in hopes of finding the artefacts to help the dancing robot, recover. Their new friend also helps them search for a candy treasure with a magic pearl. They need to quickly find the treasure and extract the pearl to save "Newtral" who is running dangerously low on power.
Giant Declan & the Dancing Robot
42Giant Declan & the Dancing Robot
42Paperback(2nd Softcover ed.)
Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9781999553401 |
Publisher: | Rushing River Books |
Publication date: | 11/30/2018 |
Series: | Giant Declan , #2 |
Edition description: | 2nd Softcover ed. |
Pages: | 42 |
Product dimensions: | 11.00(w) x 8.50(h) x 0.11(d) |
Age Range: | Up to 7 Years |