Heads and Tails: Following and Leading in Kingdom-Formed Organizations

Your life depends on organizations. God created you in his image for purposeful relationships. No human can thrive, or ultimately even survive, in isolation. From the small groups like a nuclear family, church, or school to large secular companies, and the government, every such purposeful group of people is, by definition, an organization where everything is done by someone who is following or leading, and often both. These interdependent roles are equally important heads and tails of the organizational coin.

The Kingdom of God has two realms of organizations. The heavenly realm is perfectly organized, so when Jesus taught his followers to pray, he told them to pray for God's Kingdom to come soon on earth as it is now in heaven. Later he repeated that instruction even more strongly and with a promise: seek the Kingdom of God above everything else, and he will give you everything you need.

How do you bring Kingdom principles into every kind of organization, with following and leading equally valued under the perfect leadership of King Jesus? The heavenly realm provides the organizational and relational ideal for all organizations in the earthly realm, so the following and leading roles can be filled with maximum effectiveness.

In the present earthly realm, Kingdom-formed organizations function as much as possible like the ideal model of the coming Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Thus, in a heavily leader-centric world, extra-intentional effort must focus on the development of highly effective followership and truly humble leadership. Heads and Tails provides principles, illustrations, a practical framework, meditations, and challenging questions for a mindset that guides actions great and small to make following and leading in any kind of organization more like the coming Kingdom of God.

Heads and Tails: Following and Leading in Kingdom-Formed Organizations

Your life depends on organizations. God created you in his image for purposeful relationships. No human can thrive, or ultimately even survive, in isolation. From the small groups like a nuclear family, church, or school to large secular companies, and the government, every such purposeful group of people is, by definition, an organization where everything is done by someone who is following or leading, and often both. These interdependent roles are equally important heads and tails of the organizational coin.

The Kingdom of God has two realms of organizations. The heavenly realm is perfectly organized, so when Jesus taught his followers to pray, he told them to pray for God's Kingdom to come soon on earth as it is now in heaven. Later he repeated that instruction even more strongly and with a promise: seek the Kingdom of God above everything else, and he will give you everything you need.

How do you bring Kingdom principles into every kind of organization, with following and leading equally valued under the perfect leadership of King Jesus? The heavenly realm provides the organizational and relational ideal for all organizations in the earthly realm, so the following and leading roles can be filled with maximum effectiveness.

In the present earthly realm, Kingdom-formed organizations function as much as possible like the ideal model of the coming Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Thus, in a heavily leader-centric world, extra-intentional effort must focus on the development of highly effective followership and truly humble leadership. Heads and Tails provides principles, illustrations, a practical framework, meditations, and challenging questions for a mindset that guides actions great and small to make following and leading in any kind of organization more like the coming Kingdom of God.

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Heads and Tails: Following and Leading in Kingdom-Formed Organizations

Heads and Tails: Following and Leading in Kingdom-Formed Organizations

by Richard Kriegbaum
Heads and Tails: Following and Leading in Kingdom-Formed Organizations

Heads and Tails: Following and Leading in Kingdom-Formed Organizations

by Richard Kriegbaum



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Your life depends on organizations. God created you in his image for purposeful relationships. No human can thrive, or ultimately even survive, in isolation. From the small groups like a nuclear family, church, or school to large secular companies, and the government, every such purposeful group of people is, by definition, an organization where everything is done by someone who is following or leading, and often both. These interdependent roles are equally important heads and tails of the organizational coin.

The Kingdom of God has two realms of organizations. The heavenly realm is perfectly organized, so when Jesus taught his followers to pray, he told them to pray for God's Kingdom to come soon on earth as it is now in heaven. Later he repeated that instruction even more strongly and with a promise: seek the Kingdom of God above everything else, and he will give you everything you need.

How do you bring Kingdom principles into every kind of organization, with following and leading equally valued under the perfect leadership of King Jesus? The heavenly realm provides the organizational and relational ideal for all organizations in the earthly realm, so the following and leading roles can be filled with maximum effectiveness.

In the present earthly realm, Kingdom-formed organizations function as much as possible like the ideal model of the coming Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Thus, in a heavily leader-centric world, extra-intentional effort must focus on the development of highly effective followership and truly humble leadership. Heads and Tails provides principles, illustrations, a practical framework, meditations, and challenging questions for a mindset that guides actions great and small to make following and leading in any kind of organization more like the coming Kingdom of God.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781953495785
Publisher: Invite Press
Publication date: 09/19/2023
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 200
Sales rank: 228,382
File size: 660 KB

About the Author

Author, speaker, consultant, and former university president, Rich Kriegbaum is a teacher at heart. He has helped thousands of people view their personal and organizational realities in new ways and apply powerful principles of leading, following, managing, and changing to improve their performance and fulfillment in the Kingdom of God.

Table of Contents


Seeing What is Not Obvious

  1. Seeing What Your Vision Makes Invisible
  2. Seeing What a Culture Makes Invisible
  3. The Essential Role of Organizations in God's Plan
  4. Seeing the Invisible Kingdom
  5. The One Most Important Organization
  6. The Visible Organization That Advances the Invisible Kingdom
  7. Visible and Invisible Organizational Realities
  8. You Believe in Leadership because You Can See It
  9. Following and Leading in the Cosmic Conflict
  10. Implications of Seeing What Is Not Obvious

Acting On What You See

  1. The Primal and Ultimate Organizational Power Is Effective Following
  2. Full and Effective Delegation Makes You a Follower
  3. Effective Leading Moves an Organization to a New Condition
  4. No One Leads Alone
  5. Every Type of Leadership Needs Its Corresponding Followership
  6. The Great Distinction in Leadership
  7. Leadership is Simply Complicated

Doing Effectiveness

  1. Know What You Are Doing
  2. A Model Effectiveness Framework
  3. Getting the Effective Leadership You Need for Your Best Future
  4. Getting the Effective Followership You Need from Your Phantasmagoria
  5. Countless Categories of Fractional Followership
  6. Kingdom Blessings for Your Organizations
  7. Clarifying Note on Illustrative Cases


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