Roses are red, violets are blue. These titles sound similar, so what else would we do? Every so often, a book comes along with a title so inspiring we have to talk about it! And this month, we’re feeling a little violet. Here is a list of titles inspired by our latest YA Book Club […]
There are few things in young adult literature more divisive than the love triangle, seen by some as overdone, tired, or underwhelming. Twilight, which helped spark the rise of both YA and paranormal romance, catapulted the trope into visibility with the help of a frenzied fandom wearing #teamedward or #teamjacob T-shirts. Other bestsellers including the Selection, […]
Pride Month is a great time to put the focus on queer YA—specifically, some of the incredible intersectional queer books YA has been blessed with, given to us by indigenous authors and authors of color. We’ve got a stack you can read now, and another half dozen you can preorder!
Talking about anthologies is forever one of my favorite things, because—especially as their shelf presence grows and you start to see repeat authors—you get to learn which of your favorite novelists have a serious gift for short fiction, too. There are a lot of familiar voices in this season’s anthologies, but what would these collections […]