Rebirth: The Journey of Pregnancy After a Loss
From an expert counselor, a compassionate, comprehensive guide to healing, conception, and pregnancy after loss of a baby.

The challenges of having another pregnancy after loss can be extensive from a physical/medical standpoint alone, but no more so than the emotional and psychological hurdles. Therapist and social worker Joey Miller has counseled women and their families on exactly these matters for nearly twenty years. She brings deep compassion, knowledge, and wisdom of both the emotional and physical roller coasters to help women and their partners tackle all the tough issues:
  • How to talk to your doctor
  • How to handle the emotional fallout, including dealing with your children, family members, and friends
  • Physical assessments and considerations
  • How to get the emotional support you need
  • Support for partners/spouses
  • and more
Other than personal accounts of pregnancy after loss, no other book addresses what to expect when expecting goes horribly wrong . . . and then beyond. Rebirth provides a road map for that journey. With concrete help navigating the immediate aftermath of tragedy and the difficulties re-acclimating to a very fertile world to the very mixed emotions of grieving while trying to conceive, Rebirth addresses the inconceivable with deep empathy and practical wisdom.
Rebirth: The Journey of Pregnancy After a Loss
From an expert counselor, a compassionate, comprehensive guide to healing, conception, and pregnancy after loss of a baby.

The challenges of having another pregnancy after loss can be extensive from a physical/medical standpoint alone, but no more so than the emotional and psychological hurdles. Therapist and social worker Joey Miller has counseled women and their families on exactly these matters for nearly twenty years. She brings deep compassion, knowledge, and wisdom of both the emotional and physical roller coasters to help women and their partners tackle all the tough issues:
  • How to talk to your doctor
  • How to handle the emotional fallout, including dealing with your children, family members, and friends
  • Physical assessments and considerations
  • How to get the emotional support you need
  • Support for partners/spouses
  • and more
Other than personal accounts of pregnancy after loss, no other book addresses what to expect when expecting goes horribly wrong . . . and then beyond. Rebirth provides a road map for that journey. With concrete help navigating the immediate aftermath of tragedy and the difficulties re-acclimating to a very fertile world to the very mixed emotions of grieving while trying to conceive, Rebirth addresses the inconceivable with deep empathy and practical wisdom.
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Rebirth: The Journey of Pregnancy After a Loss

Rebirth: The Journey of Pregnancy After a Loss

by Joey Miller MSW, LCSW
Rebirth: The Journey of Pregnancy After a Loss

Rebirth: The Journey of Pregnancy After a Loss

by Joey Miller MSW, LCSW


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From an expert counselor, a compassionate, comprehensive guide to healing, conception, and pregnancy after loss of a baby.

The challenges of having another pregnancy after loss can be extensive from a physical/medical standpoint alone, but no more so than the emotional and psychological hurdles. Therapist and social worker Joey Miller has counseled women and their families on exactly these matters for nearly twenty years. She brings deep compassion, knowledge, and wisdom of both the emotional and physical roller coasters to help women and their partners tackle all the tough issues:
  • How to talk to your doctor
  • How to handle the emotional fallout, including dealing with your children, family members, and friends
  • Physical assessments and considerations
  • How to get the emotional support you need
  • Support for partners/spouses
  • and more
Other than personal accounts of pregnancy after loss, no other book addresses what to expect when expecting goes horribly wrong . . . and then beyond. Rebirth provides a road map for that journey. With concrete help navigating the immediate aftermath of tragedy and the difficulties re-acclimating to a very fertile world to the very mixed emotions of grieving while trying to conceive, Rebirth addresses the inconceivable with deep empathy and practical wisdom.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780306846618
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Publication date: 10/13/2020
Pages: 288
Sales rank: 646,370
Product dimensions: 5.90(w) x 8.90(h) x 0.90(d)

About the Author

Joey Miller, MSW, LCSW, is a therapist and social worker who has counseled women and their families for eighteen years. She was the Perinatal Loss Program Coordinator at Prentice Women's Hospital of Northwestern Memorial Hospital, the largest birthing center in the state of Illinois and the Midwest (and one of the largest in the country, supporting up to 13,600 births per year); she has a private practice at Wellsprings Health Associates in Chicago. In addition to individual clients, Joey also trains healthcare providers, and she remains affiliated with Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine, where she has served as a faculty member.

Table of Contents

Foreword Alan Peaceman, MD vii

Introduction: My Hope for You xi

1 Facing the Aftermath of Tragedy 1

2 The Depth and Duration of Grief 25

3 The Wait (and Weight) Surrounding When to Start Trying 41

4 Getting Back (and Then Staying) in the Game 63

5 The Results Are In: Pregnancy Testing and Its Aftermath 89

6 First Trimester (Weeks 1-12) 103

7 The Second Trimester (Weeks 13-27) 123

8 The Complicated Nature of Relationships 143

9 The Third Trimester (Weeks 28-40) 165

10 Delivery and Early Postpartum 183

11 The First Year 209

12 The Rebirth of You 225

Epilogue: Never Forgotten 233

Acknowledgments 241

Resources and Support 245

Notes 249

Index 251

About the Author 267

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