Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict / Edition 2

Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict / Edition 2

by Esther de Waal
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Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict / Edition 2

Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict / Edition 2

by Esther de Waal
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For over fifteen hundred years St. Benedict's Rule has been a source of guidance, support, inspiration, challenge, comfort and discomfort for men and women. It has helped both those living under monastic vows and those living outside the cloister in all the mess and muddle of ordinary, busy lives in the world. Esther de Waal's Seeking God serves as an introduction to this life-giving way and encourages people to discover for themselves the gift that St. Benedict can bring to individuals, to the Church, and to the world, now and in the years to come.

Through this definitive classic Esther de Waal has become known as an authority for the lay person on the Rule of St. Benedict. Her ability to communicate clearly the principal values of the Rule when applied to lay people is the ultimate strength of this book. She follows each chapter with a page or two of thoughts and prayers, contributing to its meditative quality.

Esther de Waal is an Anglican lay woman, married with four sons and a number of grandchildren. She lives on the Welsh Borders where she grew up and spends her time gardening, writing, traveling, and taking retreats. She became interested in Benedictine monasticism as a result of living for ten years in Canterbury and has written several books on the Rule of St. Benedict including a life-Giving Way, published by The Liturgical Press, 1995. She holds a PhD. from Cambridge and was given an honorary doctorate from St. John's University for her contribution to Benedictine studies and for her ecumenical work. She was awarded the Templeton Prize for having started the Benedictine Experience weeks which are now widely held throughout America and England.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 2900814613886
Publication date: 03/01/2001
Pages: 168
Product dimensions: 5.38(w) x 8.25(h) x 0.43(d)

About the Author

Esther de Waal is one of today's most celebrated spiritual writers. Seeking God, her classic book on the relevance of the Rule of Saint Benedict, has opened up the riches of the monastic tradition to readers throughout the world for almost twenty-five years. Greatly in demand as a speaker and retreat leader, she lives in Herefordshire, UK.

Table of Contents

Foreword   7
Preface   10
I      St Benedict  15
II     The Invitation   28
III    Listening   41
IV   Stability   55
V    Change   69
VI   Balance   85
VII  Material Things   99
IX   Authority   129
X    Praying   145
     Notes on Further Reading   159
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