On Friday, May 29th, welcomed Judy Blume to discuss SUMMER SISTERS.
Moderator: Good evening, Judy Blume! Welcome to the Auditorium. How are you this evening?
Judy Blume: Hi, everyone! Thanks for coming to the chat. I'm ready!
Kiltey from Manhasset, NY: Ms. Blume, I grew up reading your books, and although I was too young ten years ago to be reading your adult novels, I am thrilled to have this one as an introduction and an opportunity to keep reading your books. Thank you! Who do you expect will be your audience for this book? Do you think they will be readers like me, who loved your books when we were younger?
Judy Blume: So far what I've found at bookstores as I travel cross-country are wonderful women -- those who grew up reading my books and are 20- and 30-something, and their mothers, sisters, and even grandmothers! I love you all and thank you, too!
Gail Morrison from Pompano Beach, FL: Hi, Judy Blume! I am so glad to see you online tonight! When I told all my friends about tonight's chat, they all had a similar gleeful response -- "Oh, I
love Judy Blume!!" What do you think has given readers such a strong emotional commitment to you and your writing? (By the way, I too,
love Judy Blume! Thanks for years of the best-time reading.)
Judy Blume: I wish I knew the exact answer! I think it has to do with identifying with my characters, with feeling less alone or less weird, and there's the emotion. I'm afraid if I figure it out it will be gone!
Barb Wagner from Milwaukee, WI: Are you planning more books for adults in the future? We certainly hope so!
Judy Blume: Hey, Barb...I sure hope so. I have a notebook filled with details about another large cast of characters, but when will I write it? And will I write it? There are still so many stories to tell, and my young readers want more books too! But thanks for caring.
Janine Johnston from New Rochelle, NY: Where did the idea for SUMMER SISTERS come from? What made you decide to write it?
Judy Blume: I'm never sure where ideas come from. I'm grateful they keep coming. I think my first summer on Martha's Vineyard inspired me. I thought "What if..."And then I got a picture in my mind of a wedding, and I was hooked. What took so long? A lot of other books and projects, not to mention a couple of moves and a grandchild!!
Oren B. from Cambridge, MA: I am looking forward to reading your new book, SUMMER SISTERS, although I don't know much about it. Could you tell us a bit about it in your own words?
Judy Blume: The story unfolds over a period of almost 20 years in the lives of two women, starting in 1977, when they're 12, and going through 1996, when they're 31. It's about a friendship more intense and longer lasting than many love affairs, though there is a love affair at the center. And it's about their relationships with family, lovers and...well, characters and relationships...that's my thing. Many adult voices help to tell their story, including the men and women closest to them. Can you tell I really care about Caitlin and Vix??
Halley from Boston, MA: I read that you spend your summers on Martha's Vineyard. Is this where you got the idea for SUMMER SISTERS? Did you spend summers at a vacation home when you were young?
Judy Blume: No...I went to summer camp, and I had summer friendships. But my best friend, to whom the book is dedicated, was really my school-year sister, not my summer sister. We do spend summers on the Vineyard now. I love it...can't wait to finish my book tour and run there.
Betsy P. from Nevada: What was it like to write an adult book after such a long time? Were you nervous? What is it like to switch over into adult fiction?
Judy Blume: It really isn't any different for me to write an "adult" novel. The process is the same. I just have to get inside the heads (and bodies!) of different age groups. I like to deal with the side of me that's a grown woman...from time to time, anyway.
Jillian Richardson from Ann Arbor, MI: How much of SUMMER SISTERS is autobiographical? Did you have a friend like this when you were young?
Judy Blume: Actually...SUMMER SISTERS isn't autobiographical at all. I think after 22 books you've pretty much used up your own life. It would get pretty boring. It's imagination...though all fiction writers call on their own experiences and emotions.
Maiya from Minnesota: How old were you when you were pretty sure you wanted to write, and how old were you when you first started writing or making up stories?
Judy Blume: I never thought about writing when I was growing up. Didn't know it was a possibility. But I always had stories inside my head...just didn't share them. The writing began when I was in my mid-20s at home with two little kids and needed (desperately) that creative outlet. Writing saved my life...really...physically and emotionally.
A Nosy Writer from Morrisville, NY: So, about this notebook filled with a cast of characters.... Is this notebook where your books start? Do you think of characters first, and then stories? Also, while I'm at it, what sort of notebook do you prefer? Lines? No lines? Spiral? (Sorry...just nosy! I love all your books, and I am looking forward to your latest.)
Judy Blume: The notebook could be anything. It doesn't matter to me. I don't start making notes until I'm pretty sure I want to write about these characters who, by now, have been on the back burner of my mind for a long time. So, does begin on paper here...but it's a mess. It would mean nothing to anyone else. I always think, If I die and someone finds this notebook what might they think? Thanks for looking forward.
Cory from Los Angeles, CA: My 11-year-old daughter, Cory, has read most of your books. Since she isn't here right now, I'd like to find out which of your young adult novels is your favorite and why...
Judy Blume: I never think of my books as young adult novels...maybe because there was no such category when I began to write. I guess FOREVER could be considered YA and possibly TIGER EYES, but I think of the others as books for young readers, or maybe it should be books about young readers. Which is my favorite? I don't know. My husband likes TIGER EYES. My son does too.
Mina H. from Hoboken, NJ: How long did it take you to write SUMMER SISTERS?
Judy Blume: It feels as if it's taken all my life! I was a tough one to get right. Maybe that's why I feel so emotionally close to the characters. A couple of years of writing -- maybe 20 drafts. Last summer is when it all came together, and you couldn't get me away from my writing cabin! It was an exciting birth!
Rose from New York: Judy, I just wanted to say that I love your writing!!! Thank you for so many wonderful books, and I can't wait to read SUMMER SISTERS!!! I would like to begin a career in writing. I am currently a high school teacher.
Judy Blume: Go for it! The funny thing about writing is I don't think you decide to do it. You wouldn't do it if you didn't have to. I always say, "This is it! I'm never going through this again." But after a while I do it anyway. It's inside me. I have no choice.
Bernie W. from Oakland, CA: I haven't read your new book yet, but I am very interested. It sounds like you have taken from the terrain of your books about adolescents, and then saw what happens when they grow up! Is this true? What draws you to write about these themes?
Judy Blume: I don't know, really. I never think about themes. I never know until I read in some review what the "themes" are in my books. I just get swept away by my characters. I do identify strongly with young people. No question.
Carrie Frank from Portland, OR: It seems you have helped shape the way people not only experience but also remember the most important times of their lives. What do you think of this, as a writer? Do you think it has given you added responsibility as a writer?
Judy Blume: I do feel responsible to tell the best story I can. To work until it feels as right as I can get it. And I feel responsible toward my younger readers, especially, to tell the most honest stories I can. But as a writer you have to put everything away in order to write. If you allow yourself to think, while you're writing, you can paralyze yourself. I once was so overwhelmed by responsibility toward the kids who were writing to me -- such needy kids -- I couldn't write fiction for three years.
Ben from Springfield, IL: I just finished reading SUMMER SISTERS, and it was terrific. A really great job. You always write so beautifully and honestly about relationships, but this book also explored questions of class, in a way, and it is different from your other novels in this manner.... What made you write about this?
Judy Blume: It does explore differences in how we think of ourselves. Caitlin never gives money a thought. It's just a part of her life. Not that she or her family's just there for them. Vix comes from such a different background. She understands the struggle. I'm not taking sides, though I think the struggle makes life more interesting and sometimes more meaningful...and I wonder if Caitlin doesn't miss that struggle. Glad you liked the book.
John Crowfort from Athens, GA: It seems that women seem to be your audience, and yet I read everything I could get my hands on of yours when I was younger and loved them all! Do you write for a female audience?
Judy Blume: No. I write for anyone who finds my work interesting. Last night, in Seattle, I had an audience of about 125, many of whom were guys, and I was really glad to see them. SUMMER SISTERS has a lot of male characters. All the summers Caitlin and Vix are spending together, there are three guys in that house. That makes a big difference in their lives. I love the fathers in the book. I see their side as clearly as I do the women. So thanks!
Rosa from Canandaigua, NY: Hi Judy!!!!! What an honor to be chatting with you! I absolutely love your work!!! Thank you for being such an inspiration for me! And also for your new book...I love your adult novels!!!
Judy Blume: Thanks! And my readers are an inspiration to me! I am surely the luckiest writer in the world to have such a close connection to my have your support and encouragement over all these years. My husband, George, says whenever I feel down and wonder what I'm doing all I have to do is read my email. I hope you'll visit my web site sometime --
Barb Wagner from Milwaukee, WI: How is your book tour going? Have you been able to relax now and enjoy it, without worrying so much? I hope so!
Judy Blume: The book tour is exhausting, but I am actually enjoying it! I never thought that would be I've got George with me on this leg, and he helps me stay sane...or as sane as I ever am! Thanks for caring, Barb.
Ronnie from Wisconsin: You have so greatly influenced all your readers, and you have been writing long enough that those same readers have now become writers! How do you feel about having influenced writers both of your own generation and those who have grown from reading you when they were young? How do you think you have influenced them? Have you noticed a change in the type of fiction that is being written since you began writing?
Judy Blume: I don't think about influencing writers...ever. Do you really think I have? I'm not so sure. Yes, there are all those first-person accounts in YA and kids' fiction. Sometimes I think I've said all I have to say to that audience, but then a new character will come along, and who knows...I'll have to tell her/his story. Besides, I have a grandchild who must have another Fudge book. (And I thought I'd never have to write about Fudge again!)
Maureen from Austin, TX: Could you tell us a bit about your experience with censorship? What led to opposition against your books, and what did you do to battle it? Have attitudes changed at all in recent years?
Judy Blume: It's worse now than it was in the '70s, when I began to write. Publishers are less likely to take chances on books that might cause controversy. Puberty has never struck me as controversial. It happens to everyone! I'd rather celebrate it than hide it in the closet. I work with the National Coalition Against Censorship. They're a wonderful group (check out their web site They are there to help any teacher, librarian, parent, or student under fire. Censorship preys on fear, and fear is contagious. Don't be afraid to stand up and speak out. Otherwise your right to choose what to read could be in jeopardy!
Mary S from Orland Park IL: Hi, Judy. When you are in the writing process do you know the middle and end of your stories? Or do the characters take on a life of their own and demand you go another way?
Judy Blume: What I know when I begin (or think I know) is where I'm beginning and where I'm going. Everything else happens along the way. I get to know my characters by writing about them in draft after draft. The first draft is pure torture. The middle is tough! But once I get a first draft, once I find "the voice," I can enjoy the process!
Maiya from Minnesota: I'm curious. Do you remember a moment when you went from not realizing writing was a possibility to deciding to write? If yes, was there a particular catalyst?
Judy Blume: I began with imitation Dr. Seuss books. I don't think there was a particular catalyst except my own very strong need to create. I had all that angst...writing allowed me to put it to good use.
Moderator: Thank you so much for joining us tonight, Judy Blume. It has truly been a pleasure, and we are always looking forward to your next book. (And yes, you
must write another Fudge book!) We hope you will join us again. Before you go, do you have any closing comments for your readers?
Judy Blume: This has been wonderful for me! Thanks so much for joining me tonight. I feel as if we've been sitting around on the floor, having a real heart-to-heart. Wish I could keep going, but it's been a looooonnnngggg day, and my fingers (and mind) are quitting on me. Lots of love.