Set in 1932, Mayo’s fast-paced sequel to 2012’s Jimmy the Stick finds Jimmy Quinn, who runs a speakeasy in Manhattan, dealing with top criminals like Arnold Rothstein, crooked cops, and dames—in particular, a dame from his past, Anna Gunderwald, who challenges him to a foot race. More seriously, a bomb explodes in the alley next to his speak, a mysterious package of four indecipherable ledgers arrives, and suddenly all kinds of people are interested in Jimmy. A crooked cop, Betcherman, wants his share of something, but Jimmy doesn’t know what; a German, Johann Klapprott, wishes to purchase his place on behalf of a second party; and Mercer Weeks, enforcer for numbers boss Jacob Weiss, pays him a call. Basically, everyone is after the pile of money Jimmy is believed to possess. Mayo spins several clever yarns off this premise as the quick-witted Jimmy hustles to keep one step ahead of the crowd. Agent: Otto Penzler. (Jan.)
Everybody Goes to Jimmy's: A Suspense Novel
Jimmy Quinn is delivering a bribe for the infamous racketeer Arnold Rothstein when a bomb goes off on Wall Street, killing thirty people and scaring every banker in the city down to his spats. Twelve years later, Rothstein is dead, and Jimmy is doing his best to stay out of trouble, running a quiet Manhattan speakeasy. At a bad moment for him and his favorite waitress, a blast rocks the alley outside and draws him right back into the madness of 12 years ago. That morning, a strange package came in with his liquor shipment: four plain books filled with cryptic numbers. The incident sets Jimmy off on a mad race from the heights of the Chrysler Building to the depths of New York's underworld.
Everybody Goes to Jimmy's: A Suspense Novel
Jimmy Quinn is delivering a bribe for the infamous racketeer Arnold Rothstein when a bomb goes off on Wall Street, killing thirty people and scaring every banker in the city down to his spats. Twelve years later, Rothstein is dead, and Jimmy is doing his best to stay out of trouble, running a quiet Manhattan speakeasy. At a bad moment for him and his favorite waitress, a blast rocks the alley outside and draws him right back into the madness of 12 years ago. That morning, a strange package came in with his liquor shipment: four plain books filled with cryptic numbers. The incident sets Jimmy off on a mad race from the heights of the Chrysler Building to the depths of New York's underworld.
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Everybody Goes to Jimmy's: A Suspense Novel
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Product Details
BN ID: | 2940175458214 |
Publisher: | Dreamscape Media |
Publication date: | 01/24/2017 |
Series: | Jimmy Quinn Mysteries |
Edition description: | Unabridged |
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