We decided to do something a bit different this month—instead of just one Mind Meld at the end of the month, we’re doing four, covering four times as many of our favorite scary reads. We’ve asked our bookish friends near and far about their current favorite horror favorites, and are breaking them out by the […]
For nearly two decades, Jim Killen has served as the science fiction and fantasy book buyer for Barnes & Noble. Every month on the B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog and Tor.com, Jim shares his curated list of the month’s best new science fiction and fantasy releases.
This week’s new SFF will more than keep us busy on the plane to MidAmericon II in Kansas City, including a book by one of the nominees for this year’s Hugo Award for Best Novel. And who knows: this list may include one (or more!) of next year’s Hugo nominees.
Mary Robinette Kowal made a name for herself with the Glamourist Histories, a five-book series tweaking the Regency period (and eventually, the Napoleonic Wars), adding a bit of magic to real history. “Glamour” is an art primarily practiced by women and people in trade, and is as useful as it is derided by the powers that be. Kowal’s […]