Grace Saved A Wretch Like Me

This is a story of HOPE. It is my personal experience of Childhood Sexual Abuse and its impact on me from childhood through to adulthood. It details how I used alcohol and drugs as a means of coping with the long-lasting harm of abuse and its impact on my life. It describes my journey down the destructive path of addiction until finally, with the loving support of my family, I was able to disentangle myself from the grip of alcohol and drugs and live free from the debilitating harm caused by childhood sexual abuse.

Grace Saved A Wretch Like Me

This is a story of HOPE. It is my personal experience of Childhood Sexual Abuse and its impact on me from childhood through to adulthood. It details how I used alcohol and drugs as a means of coping with the long-lasting harm of abuse and its impact on my life. It describes my journey down the destructive path of addiction until finally, with the loving support of my family, I was able to disentangle myself from the grip of alcohol and drugs and live free from the debilitating harm caused by childhood sexual abuse.

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Grace Saved A Wretch Like Me

Grace Saved A Wretch Like Me

by Arylene Murphy

Narrated by Arylene Murphy

Unabridged — 8 hours, 37 minutes

Grace Saved A Wretch Like Me

Grace Saved A Wretch Like Me

by Arylene Murphy

Narrated by Arylene Murphy

Unabridged — 8 hours, 37 minutes

Audiobook (Digital)

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This is a story of HOPE. It is my personal experience of Childhood Sexual Abuse and its impact on me from childhood through to adulthood. It details how I used alcohol and drugs as a means of coping with the long-lasting harm of abuse and its impact on my life. It describes my journey down the destructive path of addiction until finally, with the loving support of my family, I was able to disentangle myself from the grip of alcohol and drugs and live free from the debilitating harm caused by childhood sexual abuse.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940159657992
Publisher: Arylene Murphy
Publication date: 04/13/2023
Edition description: Unabridged
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