Line Crossers: Finding the courage and wisdom to take bold steps in your life

The lines are there, waiting for us to cross them.

Too often, we drift from one action to another without thinking about the choices we've made. In fact, our direction seems so fixed and normal that we don't even realize we've made a choice that has significant consequences. Every choice is a line we face. We have three options: We can try to avoid the decision, we can react emotionally and make a Snap decision, or we can look at it objectively and find the courage to do the right thing.

In this book, Pastor Odutola shares his story of difficulties and joys in crossing a lot of lines in his life. Pain can paralyze us, or it can be our greatest teacher. He has chosen to learn from his painful experiences. Learning life's most challenging lessons, though, isn't easy. Internal voices of doubt often join a chorus of others who tell us, "You can't. You won't. You aren't."

If we find the wisdom and courage to cross the lines that challenge us, new doors of possibilities open to us. We realize we can dream again, and God can fulfill those dreams.

No matter what your background may be, the message of this book will help you cross your lines with strength, hope, and confidence.


In Line Crossers, my friend Tola Odutola will inspire you to become all that you're intended to be-to reach your highest potential and fulfill your destiny. I know you want to..s0, grip your life, focus your vision and become a successful and significant line crosser. Your highest achievements are awaiting you-on the other side of the line.

From the Foreword by Dr. Samuel R. Chand

Line Crossers: Finding the courage and wisdom to take bold steps in your life

The lines are there, waiting for us to cross them.

Too often, we drift from one action to another without thinking about the choices we've made. In fact, our direction seems so fixed and normal that we don't even realize we've made a choice that has significant consequences. Every choice is a line we face. We have three options: We can try to avoid the decision, we can react emotionally and make a Snap decision, or we can look at it objectively and find the courage to do the right thing.

In this book, Pastor Odutola shares his story of difficulties and joys in crossing a lot of lines in his life. Pain can paralyze us, or it can be our greatest teacher. He has chosen to learn from his painful experiences. Learning life's most challenging lessons, though, isn't easy. Internal voices of doubt often join a chorus of others who tell us, "You can't. You won't. You aren't."

If we find the wisdom and courage to cross the lines that challenge us, new doors of possibilities open to us. We realize we can dream again, and God can fulfill those dreams.

No matter what your background may be, the message of this book will help you cross your lines with strength, hope, and confidence.


In Line Crossers, my friend Tola Odutola will inspire you to become all that you're intended to be-to reach your highest potential and fulfill your destiny. I know you want to..s0, grip your life, focus your vision and become a successful and significant line crosser. Your highest achievements are awaiting you-on the other side of the line.

From the Foreword by Dr. Samuel R. Chand

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Line Crossers: Finding the courage and wisdom to take bold steps in your life

Line Crossers: Finding the courage and wisdom to take bold steps in your life

by Tola Odutola

Narrated by Steve K.

Unabridged — 3 hours, 31 minutes

Line Crossers: Finding the courage and wisdom to take bold steps in your life

Line Crossers: Finding the courage and wisdom to take bold steps in your life

by Tola Odutola

Narrated by Steve K.

Unabridged — 3 hours, 31 minutes

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The lines are there, waiting for us to cross them.

Too often, we drift from one action to another without thinking about the choices we've made. In fact, our direction seems so fixed and normal that we don't even realize we've made a choice that has significant consequences. Every choice is a line we face. We have three options: We can try to avoid the decision, we can react emotionally and make a Snap decision, or we can look at it objectively and find the courage to do the right thing.

In this book, Pastor Odutola shares his story of difficulties and joys in crossing a lot of lines in his life. Pain can paralyze us, or it can be our greatest teacher. He has chosen to learn from his painful experiences. Learning life's most challenging lessons, though, isn't easy. Internal voices of doubt often join a chorus of others who tell us, "You can't. You won't. You aren't."

If we find the wisdom and courage to cross the lines that challenge us, new doors of possibilities open to us. We realize we can dream again, and God can fulfill those dreams.

No matter what your background may be, the message of this book will help you cross your lines with strength, hope, and confidence.


In Line Crossers, my friend Tola Odutola will inspire you to become all that you're intended to be-to reach your highest potential and fulfill your destiny. I know you want to..s0, grip your life, focus your vision and become a successful and significant line crosser. Your highest achievements are awaiting you-on the other side of the line.

From the Foreword by Dr. Samuel R. Chand

Product Details

BN ID: 2940190953374
Publisher: Alpha Leadership Conference
Publication date: 09/02/2024
Edition description: Unabridged
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