Whether you want to work full-time or part-time; whether you dream of earning a few hundred dollars a month or thousands of dollars a month, Network Marketing For Dummies can show you how to get started in this business within a matter of days. If you’re currently involved in network marketing, this book is also valuable as both a reference source and a refresher course.
Network marketing is a system for distributing goods and services through networks of thousands of independent salespeople, or distributors. With Network Marketi ng For Dummies as your guide, you’ll become familiar with this system and figure out how to build revenue, motivate your distributors, evaluate opportunities, and grab the success you deserve in this field. You’ll explore important topics, such as setting up a database of prospects and creating loyal customers. You’ll also discover how to:
- Get set up as a distributor
- Develop a comprehensive marketing plan
- Recruit, train, and motivate your network
- Maximize downline income
- Take your marketing and sales skills to a higher level
- Cope with taxes and regulations
- Avoid common pitfalls
Whether you want to work full-time or part-time; whether you dream of earning a few hundred dollars a month or thousands of dollars a month, Network Marketing For Dummies can show you how to get started in this business within a matter of days. If you’re currently involved in network marketing, this book is also valuable as both a reference source and a refresher course.
Network marketing is a system for distributing goods and services through networks of thousands of independent salespeople, or distributors. With Network Marketi ng For Dummies as your guide, you’ll become familiar with this system and figure out how to build revenue, motivate your distributors, evaluate opportunities, and grab the success you deserve in this field. You’ll explore important topics, such as setting up a database of prospects and creating loyal customers. You’ll also discover how to:
- Get set up as a distributor
- Develop a comprehensive marketing plan
- Recruit, train, and motivate your network
- Maximize downline income
- Take your marketing and sales skills to a higher level
- Cope with taxes and regulations
- Avoid common pitfalls
Network Marketing For Dummies
416Network Marketing For Dummies
416Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9780764552922 |
Publisher: | Wiley |
Publication date: | 01/10/2001 |
Series: | For Dummies Books |
Pages: | 416 |
Product dimensions: | 10.38(w) x 10.92(h) x 0.92(d) |