Despite endless admonitions against the practice, books are, in fact, often judged by their covers. Also: their back cover copy; those little metallic stickers announcing awards won; and their first lines. But what about their last lines? What if you’re one of those people who reads the last page of a book in case you die before you […]
Every novel ever written is, in a way, a unique expression of a unique mind. However, to crib from George Orwell, some books are more unique than others. With some novels—even bestsellers—you have to dig deep to find that spark of truly unique thought that makes it unlike every other novel out there. Even complex, […]
The Wives of Los Alamos, the debut novel from TaraShea Nesbit out today, has a hook that’s hard to ignore: Set among the makeshift homes and barbed-wire fences of a New Mexico military base, it explores the collective experience of a group of women who’ve pulled up stakes to follow their husbands, who are working on […]