Your desires serve a divine purpose. They provide an avenue for you to realize your power as a divine creator. Christy Whitman brilliantly shares the principles to get you to your desires with ease, grace, and flow. The Desire Factor provides a clear, step-by-step guidepost for manifesting any desire and for realizing your divine potential. This is a must-read!
The Desire Factor is a must-read for anyone seeking to become a more deliberate creator of their own life experience. Christy Whitman breaks down how to change any circumstance by changing the energy we bring to it. Her seven-step process of alignment, focus, joyful expectation, having, loving, surrender, and action demonstrates the adjustments we must make in our energy in order to magnetize any outcome we desire.
Christy Whitman has nailed it. The Desire Factor is a must-read for anyone wanting to create success and who wants to fully understand the power of the process.
To magnetize anything you desire into your life—whether it’s financial prosperity, freedom of self-expression in your career, or living happily ever after with your soul mate—your energy must be in resonant alignment with whatever outcome you want to receive. The Desire Factor not only shows you how to manifest the things you desire but also reveals the formula for being joyful in the meantime.
The Desire Factor uncovers a simple and profound formula for aligning with the frequencies of consistent abundance and fulfillment, regardless of the desire you have. Feeling an internal connection, all your greatest desires unfold easily and swiftly.
Your dreams and heartfelt desires serve a very high spiritual purpose. They provide a powerful catalyst to reach for more, to expand past self-imposed limitations, and to become the person you have always wanted to be. The Desire Factor provides a clear, step-by-step blueprint for manifesting any desire, big or small, and for realizing your greatest potential.
The Desire Factor is a must-read for anyone who wants to turn their intentions and desires into glorious Technicolor reality. The process that Christy Whitman outlines in The Desire Factor will show you how to align yourself on every level with your highest vision. This is the perfect handbook for our challenging times!
The Desire Factor is a testament to the success principles I’ve been living and teaching for more than forty years. Whether we experience happiness or unhappiness, success or failure depends on what we, ourselves, believe we are deserving of. What we think about, talk about, feel strongly about, and act on, we attract into our lives. In this book, my friend Christy Whitman lays out a reliable road map for how to do all of the above on purpose.
Passion is an important aspect in creating your desires. Energy is the source of all manifested things, and The Desire Factor is the definitive guide to achieving energy mastery. This is a must-read for anyone that has any desire, big or small!
The Desire Factor is a must-read book if you want to be a deliberate creator in your life. No matter how big or small your desires may be this book is the tool to help your desires become a reality.
The Desire Factor is essential for everyone to read no matter how big or small your desires are, and no matter what they are! Anyone who wants to learn how to go from an idea to fulfillment of that idea must read The Desire Factor !
We all have desires, all the time...large, small, expected, inexplicable, and everything in between. Christy Whitman’s The Desire Factor brilliantly dives deep into the core of what’s behind our ‘silly dreams,’ revealing that indeed the longings of our soul are signals from God, Universe’s beacons for our path. Her methodology takes the guilt and shame out of the equation and goes all the way to the why , all while cleverly tackling some heavy philosophical topics with humor, wit, and charm. I can’t recommend this book enough!
Our perception of how the universe operates is rapidly changing. Where we once believed hard work and sacrifice to be the path to success, we now understand that perception, attitude, and vibration are the powerful internal forces that account for a big part of achieving the success we desire. In The Desire Factor , Law of Attraction coach Christy Whitman explains the vibrational nature of all things in language that is easy to understand, and she provides a powerful formula to follow for the manifestation of any desire.
The quality of the life experience that each of us is now living in is the result of the quality of energy we’ve been offering. The formula for manifesting any type of internal or external change we desire is simple. Change the energy we’re sending so it’s in alignment with a different result. In The Desire Factor , Christy Whitman shows readers precisely how to do this and presents this information in bite-size steps—seven, to be exact. The book is also rich with interactive processes that afford readers a firsthand experience of what it feels like to effect a shift in their energy and to realize the profound external changes that come about as a result.
The Desire Factor is a simple, straight-forward guide for harnessing the powerful, unseen forces that orchestrate every act of creation. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to manifest any desire.
You won’t be able to put The Desire Factor down! This is a must read for anyone wanting to create any desire no matter how big or small.
In The Desire Factor , Christy Whitman has pulled back the curtain and revealed how successful people fulfill their desires. Well-written, with engaging, easy-to-relate-to stories, this book will guide you to a completely new understanding of what fulfilling desires means and why you have the desires you have. This is one of those books to put on your must-read list.
What an incredibly leading-edge healer and channeler Christy Whitman is! Thank you for blessing us with this treasure map to our Desire Factor!
Desire is an important part of the creation process, and The Desire Factor is the road map for that divine creation process. Christy Whitman does an outstanding job of guiding the reader step by step through the process of creating what you desire in your life. This is so leading edge and a must-read for any spiritual seeker.
The only thing that stops any of us from living our best lives is the limitations we place upon ourselves. We desire abundance, happiness, and creative expression but hold doubts about our ability to attain those things. The Desire Factor expertly guides you through a seven-step process for releasing the brakes you’re unconsciously placing on yourself, so you have the freedom to generate energetic alignment with any outcome you desire to create.
What a relief it is to find someone who doesn't chastise you for desiring that sleek new Tesla or decadent trip to the Greek Isles, but rather illuminates the intrinsic value of all desires. The knowledge and tools in The Desire Factor are fresh and unique. This is not a rehashing of what we already know but a completely new angle that can change the trajectory of your life forever.
The Desire Factor guides you sequentially through seven universal principles that will teach you how to align the energy of your thoughts, moods, beliefs, and expectations with whatever outcome you desire to manifest."
We all know we are spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. The Desire Factor teaches us how to make the most of the human, material plane of reality as we simultaneously align with the infinite spirits we are. A fine line indeed...and Christy will show you how to walk designer shoes, looking and feeling fabulous every step of the way. Her seven-step process of alignment, focus, joyful expectation, having, loving, surrender, and action demonstrates exactly how to take a desire to its fulfillment.
The Desire Factor is a handbook that teaches you how to manifest any desire, big or small. Christy reveals the art and science of creating fulfillment and empowerment in every aspect of your life. Bravo, Christy, for sharing these important principles.
Christy Whitman takes the mystery out of manifestation with this beautifully written, clear and insightful guide on how to create all that your heart desires. Her optimistic encouragement will inspire you to go for the gold in life. A must-read for those on the path of personal empowerment and collective awakening.
Katherine Woodward Thomas
"The Desire Factor is a phenomenal guide on how to consciously connect and create the life you desire. Like a tuning fork for a musician, this book inspires the reader to resonate and align with their highest good."
One of the 7 principles to The Desire Factor is the Principle of Loving. Since love is the most powerful, creative energy in the universe, we must not only love ourselves, but love our desires as if we already have them. This book is a must-read for anyone wanting to release their fears and doubts and start living into their deepest desires.
The Desire Factor guides you through the essential internal steps you must take to attract anything you desire in the external world. Both scientifically sound and easy to understand, Christy Whitman’s book leads you to the understanding that the universe is always listening, interacting, and responding. An empowering, must-read book for anyone seeking to reclaim their power to attract what they desire on purpose.
The Desire Factor powerfully speaks to a new paradigm for the manifestation of our worldly hopes and dreams. It not only enhances traditional meditation and visualization techniques, but it also activates your direct experience of the energy source of all manifestation. Once you know how to connect with this energy, you can direct it toward creating any outcome you desire and live the life you were meant to live. Well done, Christy.
The Desire Factor is about so much more than manifesting your desires. It is a handbook for strengthening your connection with the all-powerful presence that created you and that oversees the flow of all things. From the information and processes presented throughout this book, you will learn how to manifest any desire, big or small. But more important, you will learn the art and science of aligning your own energy, and this is the key to finding fulfillment and empowerment in every aspect and circumstance of your life.
The Desire Factor is a much needed guide to help you pursue what truly inspires you at work.
Desire is at the root of our humanity. Desire for life. Desire for abundance. Desire for love. Without desire, there is nothing to drive our progress as a species. Still, there is a stigma and misunderstanding around desire, which prevents people from allowing themselves to experience a life they would truly love. Christy shines her brilliant light on our current ideas about desire and how we learn to not only allow desire but also thrive on it. She shares her years of experience with manifesting and the Law of Attraction as well so that you learn not only about the role of desire in your life but also how to realize those desires.
Christy and The Council are delivering what the world needs right now. The new and original wisdom found in The Desire Factor is the perfect and important blend of universal wisdom and practical how-to steps to face your fears, fulfill your desires, and find yourself creating the life that you finally love. You are about to be proud of the life you are creating and sense true fulfillment. The council is one of the best places to turn for the most relevant and current insights. This book delivers, get this right now!
Let your burning desires set the world on fire and let Christy Whitman’s The Desire Factor light the way.
As a TM meditator of almost forty years, I’ve often felt profoundly connected to our collective quantum soup. Christy Whitman’s The Desire Factor beautifully makes the case that desire not only doesn’t deserve its bad rap (thanks a lot, Adam and Eve), but it’s actually one of the soup’s most transformational ingredients.
In The Desire Factor , Christy Whitman shows readers precisely how to change your energy to create your desires, and presents this information in bite-size steps—seven, to be exact. The book is also rich with interactive processes that afford readers a firsthand experience of what it feels like to effect a shift in their energy, and to realize the profound external changes that come about as a result.
Most of us interact with life as mere shadows of who we really are. We continue to tell the same tired stories about what’s happened to us in the past, and we drag around perceptions and belief systems that oppose the very outcomes we want. The Desire Factor breaks down the process of how each of us creates the reality we are living, and guides readers expertly through the art and science of shifting one’s point of attraction. The result is a reawakening to the truth of who each of us truly is at our core: powerful, energetic beings who have the ability to shape and reshape our destiny in every moment in time.
The Desire Factor is a jewel that you will treasure for years to come. Rich with truth, this book is a guide that will help you get anything you seriously want. Wallace D. Wattles said, ‘Desire is the unexpressed possibility within seeking expression without through our actions.’ Desire is the yeast that raises the dough; it’s the fuel that puts you on the right vibration to attract what you want in your life. Without it, you won’t do what you have to do to be who you have to be to get what you really want. Christy has laid it out beautifully for you to read, enjoy, digest, and take action.
Sirians are elated to see humans on Earth now claiming and embodying the fifth-dimensional awareness! As you tune in to the energetic coding of this book, tuning in to the Light emissions of Christy and the Council, you will discover The Desire Factor is a higher elevation attunement instrument...not just a book. It is, in fact, a proof that humanity has accelerated into 5D.
Christy Whitman has done an amazing job! The Desire Factor takes you on an inspiring journey. Christy has created a must-read in the self-help category! Anyone suffering from frustration, overwhelm, or anxiety needs to read The Desire Factor and keep it in their reference library.
The Desire Factor is essential for everyone to read no matter how big or small your desires are, and no matter what they are! Anyone who wants to learn how to go from an idea to fulfillment of that idea must read The Desire Factor !
What an incredibly leading-edge healer and channeler Christy Whitman is! Thank you for blessing us with this treasure map to our Desire Factor!
The Desire Factor is a testament to the success principles I’ve been living and teaching for more than forty years. Whether we experience happiness or unhappiness, success or failure depends on what we, ourselves, believe we are deserving of. What we think about, talk about, feel strongly about, and act on, we attract into our lives. In this book, my friend Christy Whitman lays out a reliable road map for how to do all of the above on purpose.
Christy Whitman takes the mystery out of manifestation with this beautifully written, clear and insightful guide on how to create all that your heart desires. Her optimistic encouragement will inspire you to go for the gold in life. A must-read for those on the path of personal empowerment and collective awakening.
—Katherine Woodward Thomas
Passion is an important aspect in creating your desires. Energy is the source of all manifested things, and The Desire Factor is the definitive guide to achieving energy mastery. This is a must-read for anyone that has any desire, big or small!
The Desire Factor is a must-read book if you want to be a deliberate creator in your life. No matter how big or small your desires may be this book is the tool to help your desires become a reality.
Desire is at the root of our humanity. Desire for life. Desire for abundance. Desire for love. Without desire, there is nothing to drive our progress as a species. Still, there is a stigma and misunderstanding around desire, which prevents people from allowing themselves to experience a life they would truly love. Christy shines her brilliant light on our current ideas about desire and how we learn to not only allow desire but also thrive on it. She shares her years of experience with manifesting and the Law of Attraction as well so that you learn not only about the role of desire in your life but also how to realize those desires.
As a TM meditator of almost forty years, I’ve often felt profoundly connected to our collective quantum soup. Christy Whitman’s The Desire Factor beautifully makes the case that desire not only doesn’t deserve its bad rap (thanks a lot, Adam and Eve), but it’s actually one of the soup’s most transformational ingredients.
Your desires serve a divine purpose. They provide an avenue for you to realize your power as a divine creator. Christy Whitman brilliantly shares the principles to get you to your desires with ease, grace, and flow. The Desire Factor provides a clear, step-by-step guidepost for manifesting any desire and for realizing your divine potential. This is a must-read!
The Desire Factor is a much needed guide to help you pursue what truly inspires you at work.
Christy and The Council are delivering what the world needs right now. The new and original wisdom found in The Desire Factor is the perfect and important blend of universal wisdom and practical how-to steps to face your fears, fulfill your desires, and find yourself creating the life that you finally love. You are about to be proud of the life you are creating and sense true fulfillment. The council is one of the best places to turn for the most relevant and current insights. This book delivers, get this right now!”
We all know we are spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. The Desire Factor teaches us how to make the most of the human, material plane of reality as we simultaneously align with the infinite spirits we are. A fine line indeed…and Christy will show you how to walk it…in designer shoes, looking and feeling fabulous every step of the way. Her seven-step process of alignment, focus, joyful expectation, having, loving, surrender, and action demonstrates exactly how to take a desire to its fulfillment.
You won’t be able to put The Desire Factor down! This is a must read for anyone wanting to create any desire no matter how big or small.
The quality of the life experience that each of us is now living in is the result of the quality of energy we’ve been offering. The formula for manifesting any type of internal or external change we desire is simple. Change the energy we’re sending so it’s in alignment with a different result. In The Desire Factor , Christy Whitman shows readers precisely how to do this and presents this information in bite-size steps—seven, to be exact. The book is also rich with interactive processes that afford readers a firsthand experience of what it feels like to effect a shift in their energy and to realize the profound external changes that come about as a result.
Christy Whitman has done an amazing job! The Desire Factor takes you on an inspiring journey. Christy has created a must-read in the self-help category! Anyone suffering from frustration, overwhelm, or anxiety needs to read The Desire Factor and keep it in their reference library.
In The Desire Factor , Christy Whitman shows readers precisely how to change your energy to create your desires, and presents this information in bite-size steps—seven, to be exact. The book is also rich with interactive processes that afford readers a firsthand experience of what it feels like to effect a shift in their energy, and to realize the profound external changes that come about as a result.”
The Desire Factor uncovers a simple and profound formula for aligning with the frequencies of consistent abundance and fulfillment, regardless of the desire you have. Feeling an internal connection, all your greatest desires unfold easily and swiftly.
What a relief it is to find someone who doesn't chastise you for desiring that sleek new Tesla or decadent trip to the Greek Isles, but rather illuminates the intrinsic value of all desires. The knowledge and tools in The Desire Factor are fresh and unique. This is not a rehashing of what we already know but a completely new angle that can change the trajectory of your life forever.
The Desire Factor is a jewel that you will treasure for years to come. Rich with truth, this book is a guide that will help you get anything you seriously want. Wallace D. Wattles said, ‘Desire is the unexpressed possibility within seeking expression without through our actions.’ Desire is the yeast that raises the dough; it’s the fuel that puts you on the right vibration to attract what you want in your life. Without it, you won’t do what you have to do to be who you have to be to get what you really want. Christy has laid it out beautifully for you to read, enjoy, digest, and take action.
Sirians are elated to see humans on Earth now claiming and embodying the fifth-dimensional awareness! As you tune in to the energetic coding of this book, tuning in to the Light emissions of Christy and the Council, you will discover The Desire Factor is a higher elevation attunement instrument…not just a book. It is, in fact, a proof that humanity has accelerated into 5D.
To magnetize anything you desire into your life—whether it’s financial prosperity, freedom of self-expression in your career, or living happily ever after with your soul mate—your energy must be in resonant alignment with whatever outcome you want to receive. The Desire Factor not only shows you how to manifest the things you desire but also reveals the formula for being joyful in the meantime.
The Desire Factor guides you through the essential internal steps you must take to attract anything you desire in the external world. Both scientifically sound and easy to understand, Christy Whitman’s book leads you to the understanding that the universe is always listening, interacting, and responding. An empowering, must-read book for anyone seeking to reclaim their power to attract what they desire on purpose.
In The Desire Factor , Christy Whitman has pulled back the curtain and revealed how successful people fulfill their desires. Well-written, with engaging, easy-to-relate-to stories, this book will guide you to a completely new understanding of what fulfilling desires means and why you have the desires you have. This is one of those books to put on your must-read list.
We all have desires, all the time…large, small, expected, inexplicable, and everything in between. Christy Whitman’s The Desire Factor brilliantly dives deep into the core of what’s behind our ‘silly dreams,’ revealing that indeed the longings of our soul are signals from God, Universe’s beacons for our path. Her methodology takes the guilt and shame out of the equation and goes all the way to the why , all while cleverly tackling some heavy philosophical topics with humor, wit, and charm. I can’t recommend this book enough!
The Desire Factor is about so much more than manifesting your desires. It is a handbook for strengthening your connection with the all-powerful presence that created you and that oversees the flow of all things. From the information and processes presented throughout this book, you will learn how to manifest any desire, big or small. But more important, you will learn the art and science of aligning your own energy, and this is the key to finding fulfillment and empowerment in every aspect and circumstance of your life.
"The Desire Factor is a phenomenal guide on how to consciously connect and create the life you desire. Like a tuning fork for a musician, this book inspires the reader to resonate and align with their highest good."
The only thing that stops any of us from living our best lives is the limitations we place upon ourselves. We desire abundance, happiness, and creative expression but hold doubts about our ability to attain those things. The Desire Factor expertly guides you through a seven-step process for releasing the brakes you’re unconsciously placing on yourself, so you have the freedom to generate energetic alignment with any outcome you desire to create.
The Desire Factor guides you sequentially through seven universal principles that will teach you how to align the energy of your thoughts, moods, beliefs, and expectations with whatever outcome you desire to manifest."
The Desire Factor is a simple, straight-forward guide for harnessing the powerful, unseen forces that orchestrate every act of creation. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to manifest any desire.
One of the 7 principles to The Desire Factor is the Principle of Loving. Since love is the most powerful, creative energy in the universe, we must not only love ourselves, but love our desires as if we already have them. This book is a must-read for anyone wanting to release their fears and doubts and start living into their deepest desires.
The Desire Factor is a must-read for anyone seeking to become a more deliberate creator of their own life experience. Christy Whitman breaks down how to change any circumstance by changing the energy we bring to it. Her seven-step process of alignment, focus, joyful expectation, having, loving, surrender, and action demonstrates the adjustments we must make in our energy in order to magnetize any outcome we desire.
—Michael Bernard Beckwith
Desire is an important part of the creation process, and The Desire Factor is the road map for that divine creation process. Christy Whitman does an outstanding job of guiding the reader step by step through the process of creating what you desire in your life. This is so leading edge and a must-read for any spiritual seeker.
The Desire Factor is a must-read for anyone who wants to turn their intentions and desires into glorious Technicolor reality. The process that Christy Whitman outlines in The Desire Factor will show you how to align yourself on every level with your highest vision. This is the perfect handbook for our challenging times!
The Desire Factor is a handbook that teaches you how to manifest any desire, big or small. Christy reveals the art and science of creating fulfillment and empowerment in every aspect of your life. Bravo, Christy, for sharing these important principles.
Let your burning desires set the world on fire and let Christy Whitman’s The Desire Factor light the way.
The Desire Factor powerfully speaks to a new paradigm for the manifestation of our worldly hopes and dreams. It not only enhances traditional meditation and visualization techniques, but it also activates your direct experience of the energy source of all manifestation. Once you know how to connect with this energy, you can direct it toward creating any outcome you desire and live the life you were meant to live. Well done, Christy.
The Desire Factor is a must-read for anyone wanting to create an incredible life. The seven-step process in this book demonstrates what you must do to have anything you desire—and ultimately become the person you have always wanted to be.
Your dreams and heartfelt desires serve a very high spiritual purpose. They provide a powerful catalyst to reach for more, to expand past self-imposed limitations, and to become the person you have always wanted to be. The Desire Factor provides a clear, step-by-step blueprint for manifesting any desire, big or small, and for realizing your greatest potential.
Christy Whitman has nailed it. The Desire Factor is a must-read for anyone wanting to create success and who wants to fully understand the power of the process.
Most of us interact with life as mere shadows of who we really are. We continue to tell the same tired stories about what’s happened to us in the past, and we drag around perceptions and belief systems that oppose the very outcomes we want. The Desire Factor breaks down the process of how each of us creates the reality we are living, and guides readers expertly through the art and science of shifting one’s point of attraction. The result is a reawakening to the truth of who each of us truly is at our core: powerful, energetic beings who have the ability to shape and reshape our destiny in every moment in time.
Our perception of how the universe operates is rapidly changing. Where we once believed hard work and sacrifice to be the path to success, we now understand that perception, attitude, and vibration are the powerful internal forces that account for a big part of achieving the success we desire. In The Desire Factor , Law of Attraction coach Christy Whitman explains the vibrational nature of all things in language that is easy to understand, and she provides a powerful formula to follow for the manifestation of any desire.