The One Decision: Make the Single Choice That Will Lead to a Life of More
Why make New Year's resolutions you know you won't keep? According to seminar leader and cofounder of the Wright Institute, Judith Wright, there are any number of ways you can better your life-you can quit smoking, start exercising, save toward a bigger house-but the attainment of real life satisfaction requires a fundamental shift in perspective, the ability to make the One Decision that will completely transform the fabric of one's life.

This powerful book demonstrates how to isolate and articulate the One Decision that will lead to the life you want to live, and how to allow this simple yet profound choice to become the guiding force in everything you do. Follow the "30 Days to Your One Decision" program at the end of the book and watch your life transform for the better . . . forever.
The One Decision: Make the Single Choice That Will Lead to a Life of More
Why make New Year's resolutions you know you won't keep? According to seminar leader and cofounder of the Wright Institute, Judith Wright, there are any number of ways you can better your life-you can quit smoking, start exercising, save toward a bigger house-but the attainment of real life satisfaction requires a fundamental shift in perspective, the ability to make the One Decision that will completely transform the fabric of one's life.

This powerful book demonstrates how to isolate and articulate the One Decision that will lead to the life you want to live, and how to allow this simple yet profound choice to become the guiding force in everything you do. Follow the "30 Days to Your One Decision" program at the end of the book and watch your life transform for the better . . . forever.
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The One Decision: Make the Single Choice That Will Lead to a Life of More

The One Decision: Make the Single Choice That Will Lead to a Life of More

by Judith Wright
The One Decision: Make the Single Choice That Will Lead to a Life of More

The One Decision: Make the Single Choice That Will Lead to a Life of More

by Judith Wright


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Why make New Year's resolutions you know you won't keep? According to seminar leader and cofounder of the Wright Institute, Judith Wright, there are any number of ways you can better your life-you can quit smoking, start exercising, save toward a bigger house-but the attainment of real life satisfaction requires a fundamental shift in perspective, the ability to make the One Decision that will completely transform the fabric of one's life.

This powerful book demonstrates how to isolate and articulate the One Decision that will lead to the life you want to live, and how to allow this simple yet profound choice to become the guiding force in everything you do. Follow the "30 Days to Your One Decision" program at the end of the book and watch your life transform for the better . . . forever.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781585425471
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Publication date: 12/28/2006
Pages: 352
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.92(d)
Age Range: 18 - 13 Years

About the Author

Judith Wright is an internationally recognized author, speaker, educator, life coach, and seminar leader. She founded the Wright Institute for Lifelong Learning, Inc., with her husband, Bob, after twenty years of developing innovative, inspirational education and personal growth programs at the university and private levels. The Chicago-based Wright Institute helps people fulfill their potential in the areas of work, relationship, self, and spirit through seminars, coaching, and in-depth training programs. Judith has taught workshops on overcoming soft addictions for more than a decade.


Tick, tick, tick...21 days until your New Year's Resolution is nothing but a memory

by Judith Wright

Just three weeks -- that's what it takes for the average New Year's Resolution to fail. Your new ultra-light jogging shoes, expensive fitness membership, or highly detailed budget will not change the statistics -- 21 days after the ball drops on Times Square, you'll be right there with the rest of us -- justifying, ruminating, and making excuses for why you can't keep your resolutions -- It's too hard, I didn't think it through, I'm too busy.

The 'why' behind your resolution
Why do you struggle with resolutions year after year? Or if you are among the few who do succeed, why doesn't it bring you everything you hoped for? Twenty years of coaching and training those who succeed and those who fail have shown me that a New Year's Resolution is only as good as the "why" behind it. You may think you want to lose weight to look better, but there is a deeper "why" behind your desired weight loss. Maybe you think that if you're thin you'll get a boyfriend who will then bring love to your life. But your deeper 'why' is really about loving yourself and feeling loved. You may think you have to find the perfect job this year because you are not happy where you are. There is nothing wrong with pursuing a new job, but why do you want it? Do you want it so that you can be yourself and share your gifts fully? If you discover this deeper why then you can begin sharing your gifts right where you are and not wait for the new job. Making a commitment to finding and living this "why" -- the true yearning of your heart, the deeper desire -- is what I call The One Decision.

Make a One Decision
More than a resolution, or a goal, the One Decision is a very powerful choice that will help you reach all the goals you've ever set -- and achieve more than you've ever dreamed. The One Decision shifts your perspective. It informs every decision you make, from the clothes you wear to the food you eat, and it transforms the quality of your life, from the level of intimacy you experience to the abundance of your bank account.

Don't wait for tragedy
Too often people wait to make a really big decision until they discover the "why" through tragedy or loss -- a divorce, the death of a child, or a severe injury. Lance Armstrong, seven-time Tour de France champion, made a One Decision when he found out he had cancer. He made a bigger commitment than merely surviving -- he chose to 'live strong.' He not only won his battle with cancer, but he also went on to win seven consecutive Tour de France races. And his decision gave him the courage and strength to keep winning.

But you do not need to wait for illness, tragedy, or loss to discover your "why." And if you're thinking, "I don't want to win the Tour de France! I just want to fit into my jeans!" rest assured you don't need to be a world champion to make your One Decision. Your personal One Decision, your guiding beacon or purpose, is waiting for you. You simply need to claim it.

A real life example
Carrie is a corporate trainer who had tried every diet imaginable -- no sugar, no fat, no salt, no wheat, no "white things;" the blood type and body type diets, high fiber diets, liquid diets, and special food diets. In the past 30 years, Carrie had gained and lost enough pounds to equal her total body weight and probably yours too! Needless to say, simply resolving to lose weight never worked for her.

Then Carrie looked at the "why" behind her motivation to lose weight -- she looked behind all the other resolutions in her life and saw that her real motivation was to be loved. She figured that if she were thin then people would love her. But the problem was if people only loved her if she was thin, then was it really love?

One Decision, one simple question
She was in a bind until she decided that it was her own love, not the approval and seeming love of others, that mattered. She made a One Decision to "learn to love herself beyond measure." From that moment forward, her relationship to her body, and to food, completely changed.

Rather than deliberating before every bite, "Should I have the carrots or the graham cracker? Which am I allowed to have for my diet? If I cheat on my diet, can I make up for it later?" Carrie now asks one very simple question, "What would I feed someone I really loved?" Suddenly her food choices are simplified and she's taking care of herself in all areas of her life. She's naturally exercising more. She's launched her own business, and she is deepening her relationships. Carrie is not focused on getting thin overnight, but she has already lost over 20 pounds that she knows won't be coming back.

A great life is based on a great decision
The One Decision is not a list of to-dos, it's a bigger commitment. It's a shift in perspective that influences every other decision with purpose and meaning. It's the "why" that gives meaning to every "what" in your life. The One Decision is a beacon that guides you in any situation you're in -- whether it's choosing your career, your mate, what to eat, what to say, or even what to wear. It's the commitment that great lives and great people are built on.

Tick, Tick, Tick. Your life is ticking by, now how will you live it? Will you make another New Year's resolution you don't intend to keep? Or will you make a One Decision that will completely transform the quality of your life, forever?

Judith Wright -- educator, consultant, lifestyles expert, and author of The One Decision -- has appeared on The Today Show, Good Morning America, Fox & Friends and over 300 other radio and TV programs. The One Decision, is endorsed by Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard, Tom Peters, and many others. Visit Judith Wright at

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