With Bill McGowan’s book in front of you, your days of thinking “I wish I had said that” will be behind you. His peerless advice offers readers a real chance to be heard and to succeed. — Sheryl Sandberg
“Bill McGowan has captured the indefinable human essence of his teaching on the written page. You are assured of learning more than you can imagine while enjoying Pitch Perfect.” — Wynton Marsalis, managing and artistic director, Jazz at Lincoln Center
“[This] guidebook....is evenhanded and straightforward and brims with advice for anyone hoping to brush up on public speaking, effective presentation skills and interviewing prowess both within and outside of the contemporary workforce marketplace.” — Kirkus Reviews
“Success depends on having a great game plan. In Pitch Perfect, Bill McGowan provides just that-winning strategies for how to improve your communication skills, especially in life’s red-zone situations.” — Eli Manning, quarterback, New York Giants
“In today’s world of micromessages and fleeting attention spans, connecting with your audience is more important than ever. Bill McGowan’s Pitch Perfect provides valuable and proven strategies for anyone looking to communicate effectively.” — Denise Morrison, president and CEO, Campbell Soup Company
“Bill McGowan has identified a fresh and simple way for us to rethink how we communicate. His innovative strategies work not just in our professional lives but in everyday life as well. That’s why he’s an excellent teacher and why I always enjoy working with him.” — Daniel Ek, CEO, Spotify
“Bill McGowan proves in Pitch Perfect what his clients already know-he is the premiere communications coach in business today. His insightful advice and strategies work.” — Thomas Keller, The French Laundry
“You can learn to express yourself more effectively, handle difficult conversations gracefully and deliver a great presentation by following and practicing…McGowan packs the book with valuable examples of what was said versus what should have been said…Filled with smart, valuable advice, Pitch Perfect is a home run.” — Success
"My best public speaking advice?? Get a coach. No wait, if at all possible, get Bill McGowan. By far, working with Bill has improved my ability to communicate with audiences more than anything or anyone else. And his book is a bible for how to speak so people "get" you!!" — Angela Duckworth, author of Grit
Success depends on having a great game plan. In Pitch Perfect, Bill McGowan provides just that-winning strategies for how to improve your communication skills, especially in life’s red-zone situations.
Bill McGowan proves in Pitch Perfect what his clients already know-he is the premiere communications coach in business today. His insightful advice and strategies work.
Bill McGowan has captured the indefinable human essence of his teaching on the written page. You are assured of learning more than you can imagine while enjoying Pitch Perfect.
With Bill McGowan’s book in front of you, your days of thinking “I wish I had said that” will be behind you. His peerless advice offers readers a real chance to be heard and to succeed.
Bill McGowan has identified a fresh and simple way for us to rethink how we communicate. His innovative strategies work not just in our professional lives but in everyday life as well. That’s why he’s an excellent teacher and why I always enjoy working with him.
In today’s world of micromessages and fleeting attention spans, connecting with your audience is more important than ever. Bill McGowan’s Pitch Perfect provides valuable and proven strategies for anyone looking to communicate effectively.
You can learn to express yourself more effectively, handle difficult conversations gracefully and deliver a great presentation by following and practicing…McGowan packs the book with valuable examples of what was said versus what should have been said…Filled with smart, valuable advice, Pitch Perfect is a home run.
Communications coach McGowan, a former television news anchor, offers a deftly written guide for improving presentation skills. Writing with Bowman, McGowan walks readers through lessons for getting the results they want, making their points in less time, overcoming anxiety, and getting more done. He covers persuasion, self-pacing, mastering successful body positioning, gestures, and facial language, clothing, thinking on your feet, and overcoming the tendency to use wishy-washy language. The book particularly shines when McGowan turns his talent for engaging narrative to entertaining use. For example, his “Scorcese Principle,” which stresses that the best way to get your point across is to be entertaining and interesting, or his suggestion that readers follow the model of Mad Men’s Don Draper in condensing points down to ad-lines. In addition, McGowan includes scripts for interesting cocktail-party chatter and the much-feared public speaking engagement. Though much of the content is aimed at improving professional pitches and conversations, the advice can be extrapolated to getting any conversation started on the right foot; he later addresses better communication at critical points in one’s life, such as wedding toasts, eulogies, and meeting future in-laws. The book is an in-depth training course for better communication and self-presentation, and invaluable for anyone looking to make their conversations—and presentations—more impactful. 13 b&w illus. Agent: Wayne Kabak, Wayne Kabak Literary Agency. (Apr.)
A media expert's techniques for acquiring and honing clear communication skills. After a two-decade journalism career producing and anchoring syndicated newsmagazine programs, McGowan, a former Emmy-winning TV correspondent–turned–media-coaching entrepreneur, knows the tenets of effective communication and professional presentation. From his communications training company, Clarity Media Group, he now helps everyone—from authors to CEOs to career-changing job seekers—to achieve and project a greater public confidence level. "Great communicators are not genetically predetermined," he writes. "They are made." His careful guidebook, written with the assistance of Bowman (co-author: Be Fearless: Change Your Life in 28 Days, 2012, etc.), steers readers away from the social faux pas and missteps (e.g., apologizing at the onset of a presentation) responsible for stalling careers and stagnating business relationships. His approach is evenhanded and straightforward and brims with advice for anyone hoping to brush up on public speaking, effective presentation skills and interviewing prowess both within and outside of the contemporary workforce marketplace. McGowan cites many relatable scenarios, including a botched first impression with a large new client (Facebook) that was rescued with positive reinforcement and a polished, professional approach. The author spends much of the text overviewing his seven principles of persuasion, a masterful "mental checklist" of key communicative behaviors that include authoritative body language, direct eye contact, attentiveness, voice tone, pacing and verbal conciseness. His "pitch-perfect pointer" and "makeover" sections further clarify these maxims and place them into real-world contexts. The author stresses that becoming a compelling speaker with engaging stage presence takes time and effort. His methodology is not meant to change the person seeking guidance but, with practice and preparation, to draw their strengths out and encourage diligence in achieving an increased level of interactive confidence. A proactive approach to mastering the art of interpersonal communication.