The Magical Equilibrium is a magical manual that will teach you the way to attaining the right magical balance for the craft of magic. This involves doing a set of practical and magical exercises to keep you well on your progress into the magical path. This book will reveal to you the essential teachings that you need, as well as notable practice in order to keep you active along the wonderful party of magic.
It is a sad fact that many of the practitioners of today are lost in this modern world. There is simply no sense of balance anymore as their material obligations have taken the upper hand, thereby causing our witches and wizards to become just like everybody else. Now is the time for you to claim your place in this magical universe and be the magician or witch whom you have always meant to be.
The Magical Equilibrium is a guiding light that shines in the darkness. May it lead you to the one and true path of magical practice and divine knowledge of the craft of the wise, and may you find the magic within you and be able to unleash the unlimited power that you have always had within. Indeed, now is the time for you to claim your power and be who you really are.
In the practice of magic, having a sense of balance is important. If you are not careful enough, then the things of the modern world will easily be able to deceive and misdirect you. This is why it is important that you look after yourself and keep yourself pure and untainted by the modern world. This way, you can also keep your magic pure and divine.
The Magical Equilibrium is the holy book of magical balance. It is not enough to tell yourself that you should balance out the things that you do and have in life, but you should also live a truly harmonious and magical life. Now is the time of great and most wonderful magic, and now is the time for you to let yourself reveal who you really are, and shine.
Are you ready to make magic your life? Are you ready to engage your mind into things that are pure and magical instead of being bombarded by the worries and corrupt things of the modern world? If yes, then welcome into this journey of great and most wonderful magic.
The Magical Equilibrium is a magical manual that will teach you the way to attaining the right magical balance for the craft of magic. This involves doing a set of practical and magical exercises to keep you well on your progress into the magical path. This book will reveal to you the essential teachings that you need, as well as notable practice in order to keep you active along the wonderful party of magic.
It is a sad fact that many of the practitioners of today are lost in this modern world. There is simply no sense of balance anymore as their material obligations have taken the upper hand, thereby causing our witches and wizards to become just like everybody else. Now is the time for you to claim your place in this magical universe and be the magician or witch whom you have always meant to be.
The Magical Equilibrium is a guiding light that shines in the darkness. May it lead you to the one and true path of magical practice and divine knowledge of the craft of the wise, and may you find the magic within you and be able to unleash the unlimited power that you have always had within. Indeed, now is the time for you to claim your power and be who you really are.
In the practice of magic, having a sense of balance is important. If you are not careful enough, then the things of the modern world will easily be able to deceive and misdirect you. This is why it is important that you look after yourself and keep yourself pure and untainted by the modern world. This way, you can also keep your magic pure and divine.
The Magical Equilibrium is the holy book of magical balance. It is not enough to tell yourself that you should balance out the things that you do and have in life, but you should also live a truly harmonious and magical life. Now is the time of great and most wonderful magic, and now is the time for you to let yourself reveal who you really are, and shine.
Are you ready to make magic your life? Are you ready to engage your mind into things that are pure and magical instead of being bombarded by the worries and corrupt things of the modern world? If yes, then welcome into this journey of great and most wonderful magic.
The Magical Equilibrium
The Magical Equilibrium
Product Details
BN ID: | 2940166258793 |
Publisher: | Charlz |
Publication date: | 04/14/2022 |
Sold by: | Draft2Digital |
Format: | eBook |
File size: | 137 KB |